Range day


Apr 4, 2010
Nice day here today, no wind so I took advantage and put a few rounds down range. This was my first attempt with Varget, in this rifle. I will have to test a couple of more times and also try the 168 Hornady BTHP match bullet. Earlier testing shows it to be slightly more accurate. This is my smallest group so far,with about 60 rounds down range. If the group looks larger than my posted size it because my range is 118 yards so group size is calculated for 100 yards. The down side of this group is that I have approximately 1/2 lb. of Varget.

View attachment PIC_0009.JPG
That is an excellent start, Bill. In fact, for many of us, that would qualify as Nirvana. Good shooting.
Nice shooting Bill.
A little tinkering with the COL should get you where you want to be.

Thanks all, it is coming together nicely. I have tweaked the AOL and the 2.790 is the best with both bullets. The Varget did reduce the group size a little more over the RL- 15. I have a couple more combinations to try. Magnum primers, and the Hornady match bullets, of course I want consistency but this rifle has been a joy to work with, it shoots every component combination that I have tried under 1 inch. So far it's most fussy about the AOL. It does not like to be loaded out long.
That is great shooting. I am currently switching to Varget and have been playing some today. I did just post a couple pics of what 44.0grs vs 46.0grs were for me. I am not a fan of max loads, but the grouped was very tight except for the one pulled shot. I might try the 44.5grs and see what that comes out like. Just out of curiousity how did you get your pic to be smaller like that?
I was able to find some IMR 4064 recently at a local store and bought another pound. If you get in a bind for Varget, IMR 4064 works pretty well for bullets up to and including 165 gr in the .308 Win. Something to consider?
That's great Bill. I am pretty excited to see what that rifle does as you start to stretch it out some!

Did you mount up the Zeiss on the 300 yet?
Bill that is a great start :wink: some of my go to loads don't group like that.
I am looking forward to seeing the finished product.

Elkman - you need to find an 8# jug of Varget and a couple thousand 168 gr match bullets. You're doing real well with that rifle/cartridge.
Nicely done! Never loaded a .308, but have had good luck in several cartridges with Varget.
Oldtrader3":22dnibku said:
nosler06":22dnibku said:
Just out of curiousity how did you get your pic to be smaller like that?

I use Photoshop 6 and change the pixel density.

Ahhh Thanks I will have to do that in future, so they are not so big. Hopefully.