Range finder shopping....


May 15, 2009
I'm looking to upgrade my range finder in the next few months and started shopping around. I found a good deal on a brand that I have no experience with and thought someone on here might have some info.

It's a Newcon LRM 1500 yard range finder. Quite a bit cheaper than some of the more common brands I've seen, just wondering if it's junk or if it's legit. Looks like they make some really nice high end one's....so maybe that trickles down to the lower end of the spectrum? Anyway and thoughts, experiences and suggestions are welcome.


I had the newcon 1500. It was only marginally better than the bushnells and such. I got tired of it and then I bought the Swaro.
So if I can get the Newcon for $150 less than the Bushnell it would be a good buy POP? I really only need it to range out to 800-1000 yards.
Get the Swaro Laser Guide and don't look back!
It will be the last LRF you have to buy. :wink:

shoots_5":174tvtz5 said:
So if I can get the Newcon for $150 less than the Bushnell it would be a good buy POP? I really only need it to range out to 800-1000 yards.

Most rangefinders that are rated @ 1,000 yds would be lucky to range a game animal at half that distance on a sunny day. Don't be fooled by ratings.

I have a Bushnell 1,000 and like it for a variety of reasons but it has its limitations. I have a Swaro too. For 600yds+ (under field conditions) the Swaro is vastly better. For shorter distances I prefer the Bushnell.
JD338":1h1fydwb said:
Get the Swaro Laser Guide and don't look back!
It will be the last LRF you have to buy. :wink:


I totally agree.

If you're committed to the Newcon make sure you play with it first and form an opinion.
Thanks for the replies!

not committed to anything....just looking for a good deal and funds are the limiting factor (as always). Turning 30 in a couple of months and thought it would make a good present but I'm not sure I've been that good of a boy to convince anyone to buy the swaro for me....

I've been using an old old old bushnell 400 that was handed down to me from my Dad, so really anything will be a huge step up. If I can hit a tree or rock or something like that at 1000 yards with it I will be pretty happy. If it will work for hitting an elk at 800 yards even better. I figured with the 1500 meter rating on the Newcon that it should do both of those things in most situations at a very affordable price. I've just never handled one and never seen one in a shop around here so I thought I'd get some feedback on them. I don't know....maybe I should just save for the swaro but I don't know if I have the patients! Stupid money.....wouldn't it be nice if we could all just win the lottery and our biggest concern could be how to properly fill up our walk in gun safe! :)
swaro 1500 or leica 1200 are the only rangefinders I'd buy...

My dad has the swaro and we've played with it enough to know that we'll never outshoot the thing...We've ranged trees, rocks, buildings, deer, elk out past 1900 yards, farthest reading I remember getting 1975 or so on a rock and it did it within 1.5 seconds.

If you dont want to shell out that kinda money or need that kinda range, the leica 1200 would be the next best bet. From what I've heard and read, it'll do as advertised on deer and elk, rocks, etc, out to 1200 yards, which is about as far as I'll be shooting at animals. Its just nice to have the swaro when you really wanna know how far something is, or your target shooting past 1200 yards...

I have lasered tree lines at 1800 yds with my Swaro.

Wow! Didn't know the Swaro's had that kind of reach! Impressive....sounding more like I should just buckle down and get the good stuff rather than skimping. Still a hard price tag to swallow but I guess you get what you pay for!
JD338":1cr5xtci said:

I have lasered tree lines at 1800 yds with my Swaro.


Ditto. Last antelope season my buddy and I lasered an antelope at 1122 easy! And I mean easy one press of the button and bam.......
I have always had good results with my Leica 1200. Its even gave me a 1540 yard reading on our hunting truck in Iowa.
Something else to look into is warranty and customer service.
I think that all LRF have a 1 year warranty. This is due to the electronics, which you need to be somewhat careful of in the harsh elements, leaving the battery in, shock & vibration, excessive heat, etc.

As I recall, remingtonman25_06 had a problem with his just before elk season and Swaro offered a loaner program. I think that says a lot right there. Maybe Remmy can chime in and give the details.....
I don't know about Leica, maybe someone can update us on their customer service.

IMHO, Swaro is the way to go!

Leica 1200: It is compact and works beautifully. I had one and loved it. Sold it when money was tight. Need to replace it and that's what I'll buy again. I'm sure the Swarovski is a great one as well, but the Leica made all the others I looked at pail in comparison.
I know the post is an old one, but I want to chime in and say to anyone considering spending their pennies on a LRF, save untill you can get the Swaro or Leica.

I followed that advice and got myself a Swaro recently. All I can say is WoW, eh!!! I have been playing with it and have no problems ranging cattle out to 900+ yards pretty easy.

The optics are great as to be expected when one pays that much. However I sold my Wild rangefinder to fund this purchase. Size and compactness is fantastic too. I pretty much will be parking my vintage B&L 8x42's binocs as this is optically as good with only one lense.

Go for it eh! Buy once, cry once.

I have a Leica Geovid 10 X 42 coming. It should be here before I leave for the mountains. I believe it will shine.