Reloading 300 RUM with US869 Powder



Has anyone used this powder in their 300 RUM with 200 Accubonds? Pros and cons please.
I have read it is temp. sensitive.

US869 is a surplus powder and I have heard nothing but good things about it.
I believe Antelope_Sniper has had good luck with US869 and will chime in.

101.1 US869 under the Berger 210 VLD shoots very well in my rifle. Velocity is right at 3,200 ft/sec.

As always - start low and work up.
What velocity deviations do you experience shooting your load from cold weather to hot weather with this powder? Is your gun a 26" barrel?


I haven't used US869 with 200 grainers, but I did a workup with 185 grain Bergers using this powder. It gave me excellent velocities and accuracy, but RL25 was just a little better in that particular rifle.
Yes, I have a keg of WC869. It's a little warmer then my lot of WC860. In the Ultramag I'd use it with the lighter bullets, sticking to WC872 or WC860 (if you had them) for the 200 grainers.
Thanks for the input everyone. One last question. Which powder is cleaner burning comparing US869 TO RL-25?

DON":qrsxpqd6 said:
Thanks for the input everyone. One last question. Which powder is cleaner burning comparing US869 TO RL-25?

both are double based, so they'll run dirty unless your close to max pressure.
DON":27xffky2 said:
What velocity deviations do you experience shooting your load from cold weather to hot weather with this powder? Is your gun a 26" barrel?


I never did a comparison in hot & cold temperatures so I can't help you there.

Yes - 26" bbl.
Thanks for the reply. I'm currently at a max book charge with RL-25 and 200 AB. I really don't see what I would call excessive residue in the barrel. I'm not wanting any more build up to deal with either.

But I understand from others US869 has some benefits with increased velocity, accuracy and SD's.
I remember in past years shooting 100 grains of Ramshot Magnum powder with 180's, it really heat up the barrel pretty fast.

Don, just asking, but why the switch up? More speed or is something wrong with RL25? Just wondering.
No switch up happening here. I'm sticking with RL-25 for sure. I'm always open to trying other powders as time will allow me. About 7-yrs ago I had purchased US869 but never tried it, had to move and gave it away. I may try it only to see what velocity and accuracy it could bring just to satisfy my curiousity. I hear people stating 3200 fps with excellent accuracy.

I shot ball powder previously using Ramshot Magnum. The problem I had with it was 100 grains is a lot of powder to ignite and burn, I was experiencing velocity issues losing 75-80 fps, which concerned me. Switched to IMR 7828, problem went away. Iv'e never had those issues with RL-25 or RL-22, as with IMR-7828 they are a different type of powder.

Got ya. Makes sense. I am in LOVE with RL25 in my 264WM. It has been ultra consistent and accurate. I plan to try it in the 25-06 when I can as well. I really hadn't used it much up till the 264, but it really shines with the big overbores. I think RL33 will be worth waiting for for your 300 and my 264 maybe?
RL-25 and 22 have always done right by me in many calibers. I have seen the same thing said about US-869 but being new to the 300 rum I have yet top try it, hoping on a report from Don.

I may try RL-33 once it hits the market but as I stated earlier it appears it takes more powder to achieve the velocity where I am currently with a max book charge of RL-25. I think RL-25 will be tough to beat. I get superb accuracy too. I developed the load in 35-degree weather at 3059 fps and get 3100-3125 in 80-degree temps.

Having shot ball powder previously produced really good groups. I do remember at 100 grains of Ramshot Magnum Powder heated the barrel faster than 91.5 of RL-25. While Ramshot Magnum burned pretty clean it does raise a concern with US869 especially guys stating 101-108 grain loads getting in the 3200 fps range with 200 AB bullets. Not sure if it will be as clean or not. Plus I'm curious how temp. sensitive US869 is vs RL-25. It will be fun learning the answers as time will allow me the range time. I have my ELK load in RL-25. Now to snag a Colorado leftover tag would be nice. :mrgreen:

Good luck getting a leftover tag. I have no doubt about the 300RUM with a 200 grain Nosler in it. Brian's Model 70 looks pretty sharp and just might be about as good as you could want for hunting elk. Set up with a good scope on it, no elk is safe.
DON":12ajp657 said:
I may try RL-33 once it hits the market but as I stated earlier it appears it takes more powder to achieve the velocity where I am currently with a max book charge of RL-25. I think RL-25 will be tough to beat. I get superb accuracy too. I developed the load in 35-degree weather at 3059 fps and get 3100-3125 in 80-degree temps.

Having shot ball powder previously produced really good groups. I do remember at 100 grains of Ramshot Magnum Powder heated the barrel faster than 91.5 of RL-25. While Ramshot Magnum burned pretty clean it does raise a concern with US869 especially guys stating 101-108 grain loads getting in the 3200 fps range with 200 AB bullets. Not sure if it will be as clean or not. Plus I'm curious how temp. sensitive US869 is vs RL-25. It will be fun learning the answers as time will allow me the range time. I have my ELK load in RL-25. Now to snag a Colorado leftover tag would be nice. :mrgreen:

I've not tried 869 yet, have some just haven't needed it. I've shot a lot of WC872, here is what I've learned about these slow mil-surp powders.
they are temp sensative, but excellant for cool weather when most hunting occurs where you use these slow burning big jug powders, they will burn clean if you run them around 60k psi, however to give me a buffer for those warm days that occur during the fall hunting season, I'll load them up to where they are just a bit sooty.
this keeps me from havig to have a good max pressure cool weather load and a hot weather load.
on warm days I just cut the required moa by 1/4 per 10 degrees above 60 and it seems to work out.
the very slow ball powders do not make your barrel as hot as extruded powders, I've been told by those with more knoledge then me that its because of lower flame temps, this has to help throat life.
I do know that in my stw, there is a noticable difference in barrel temp after 3 shot groups of max loads with wc872 and H1000, nothing was measured but the h1000 would burn your hand, the wc872 ws just warm.
can't imagine using us869 when 872 can be had for less than 1/2 unless your in ca and can't get it, last lot of 872 I bought was 4 bucks a pound (but this was 2006) .
In temps of 50 degrees or less, my 7mm AM will run a 160 nosler at 3550 fps, with a ES of 8-11 fps with the buffer I mentioned, so 3600 is doable with max loads, however with a max load at 72 degrees it will be 3700+ fps and sticky extraction is the result.
Thanks for the insight. My gun always seemed to shoot much better in Fall cooler temps too.
I'm going to give US869 a try. I can get a pound for 25.00 locally.

I bought some US869 Powder and loaded some up this morning. I loaded 2 each of 97,98,99 & 100 for a look see on velocity and how they might print. Using Rem 1x fired and re-sized brass with Fed 215 primer with the 200 AB. This powder looks like the twin to Ramshot Magnum powder in appearance.

Now to get to the range, maybe next week-end as the Family has a lot going on right now.
Will post results later.
