Posted - Jul 15 2009 : 09:23:58
my new RCBS dies in 9mm just came in,, ive got 100 new cases (wins) plus about 300 once fired,, what do i have to do with the new cases to get them ready to run thru the dies??? they seem to be longer than the once fired,, any tips or advise on setting up the dies ???
im gonna use the 124gr hornady hp and bluedot powder
my new RCBS dies in 9mm just came in,, ive got 100 new cases (wins) plus about 300 once fired,, what do i have to do with the new cases to get them ready to run thru the dies??? they seem to be longer than the once fired,, any tips or advise on setting up the dies ???
im gonna use the 124gr hornady hp and bluedot powder