Reloading Powders


Feb 5, 2022
I’ve always used and am using IMR 4350 for my 243 Winchester and my custom 8mm-06 Improved. However, with the unavailability of powders in todays world I would like to know if I can use H4350 powder? I’ve had an 8lb. container for quite some time but have never used it. Is there any reloading data I could look up as a starting load available?
Yes you can use H4350 n should be able to in the 8mm06.. Finding data for might be an issue however.
Yes, I do have loads word up for it so I’ll start low and work up. Thank you very much.
I've had to switch back and forth between IMR 4350 and H4350 a few times. In each case I've been able to get back to identical velocity and accuracy with a load that was within 0.5 grains of where I started from. I've pretty much settled on sticking with H4350 for many loads and refuse to let myself run out of it. I think I have at least 16# of it on the shelf right now.
The two powders have similar burn rates. Therefore, they will give roughly equivalent results when used judiciously. As an aside, Accurate 4350 has a burn rate similar to the other two propellants.
As mentioned, while the same numerically, the burn rates and attributes are slightly different, and loads need to be reduced, and worked up to in your rifle.
Without knowing what bullets you’re loading the good Dr. supplied 2 very good online resources.