I haven't yet but they are rated to be the best 200 gr RN bullet by many people. Would love to try them in my little BLR 358 Win. Be neat to hear what the guys here have to say that have used it.
I hunted with a 35 Rem for a couple of years. Loved the cartridge, hated the M336, so I traded it for a Jon boat & motor.
All the deer I shot went down pretty d@mn quickly. Nice quarter sized exit holes, stand-up/spray paint blood trails for the whole 20-40 yds it took to recover them.
But.....the 35 Rem and the 358 Win are two different animals. My thoughts are that a close range shot just might be a bit much out of a 358. Wouldn't be the 1st time I was wrong though.
I used them some from my 358 Winchester. 2500 fps seemed not to badly effect their performance. I got three deer in one day with that load. All exits and deer fell in sight. If they were not so hard to find and nowadays they are expensive also.
I've never tested them as you guys do but I did shoot one this morning. I think this makes 4 shots and 4 deer down with them in that rifle. He ran about 30 yards before giving up.
The only 200 grain .358…..3595” …I’ve shot deer with are these….
Loaded with 40 grains of varget they chrony at 2100 fps out of 336. They have dropped every deer I’ve shot with them where they stood when shot. I’ve shot a few with 180 grain hot cores. They do good as well but. Sone stagger a few feet with heart and lung archery shots and some make it 60 yards with low heart and far back liver shots. The 200 grain hollow points dump them in their tracks. Gotta load some up for my 7600’s and get them to feed and cycle.