Remington action inlet question?


Jan 20, 2011
How close is the Remington 700 action, dimension wise, compared to the 788, 721, 722? I'm glass bedding the action, so a little fitting isn't the problem. Do the holes line up for the action bolts? Long Action?
I built a 721 a few years back. I put it in a Boyd's laminate stock. Only had to do very little modifying. Mostly around the safety area.

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A 721 is the same as a 700 LA for bolt hole spacing and a 722 is the same as a 700 SA. I don't know about a 788. The safeties and the triggers were the only real differences in the 721/722's and the 700's. The bolt handles are different too but that is immaterial to stock fitment.
IdahoCTD":2dbjny2q said:
A 721 is the same as a 700 LA for bolt hole spacing and a 722 is the same as a 700 SA. I don't know about a 788. The safeties and the triggers were the only real differences in the 721/722's and the 700's. The bolt handles are different too but that is immaterial to stock fitment.
