Remington Customer Service


Dec 24, 2006
I know this is the rifle forum, but I don't know where to put it. I had my extractor spring pin seperate from the bolt housing group on my 11-87 Supermag. The gun is not new, but I bought it about 6-8 years ago, brand new, and have just used it for slaying turkeys. Well, I immediately called Midway and ordered a whole new extractor, spring, and extractor spring pin. It was about 30.00 for everything. I called Remington also, to see if they would stand up to the problem. I have never shot anything but factory loads through the gun, and not very many at that. The lady I spoke with on the phone said It was really my problem and the guns are not warrantied against this kind of thing? Either way, pretty displeased with Remington right now. Just wanted to vent my issue. Surprised Remington wouldn't try to help with this. Scotty
Remington CS sux!
I returned my rifle for service and they lost it a few years back......
Wow, I guess I don't feel too bad then! Hard to believe a company can stay in business with service like that. I have a feeling if it was Ruger or Savage I would have gotten a little more consideration for the issue. It wasn't much money, and it was not an abuse issue, it was a design issue, so I kinda think they should have stood behind it. I guess good customer service is slipping down the crapper, even further in the firearms industry. Scotty
Again, I must believe it is related to the fact that they are no longer a "stand-alone company," but part of a conglomerate. It is not totally unrelated to the slippage in craftsmanship that some of their firearms have seen in recent years. In such situations, it would appear that the bottom line is the bottom line.
I work for a rather enormous automotive parts manufacture and around that industry alot. I saw a large banner hanging in a Honda parts dealer room a few days ago.

" If we don't take care of the Customer, someone else will "

That is the first thing I thought of reading your post. I feel the sameway about them now and have a really hard time switching flavors. That is the beautiful thing though - Choices, Choices, Choices

Weatherby, Sako, Tikka, Savage and on and on = not to mention custom options.

Sorry you had to go through that
Yes, sorry you had to go through this but over the last two years I have read of quit a few complaints made about Remington's customer service. It is a sad thing when companies sell products and do not have a personal customer service attitude. Sad indeed.
Why would they need good customer service, they can just ask the goverment to bail them out when we the customer stops buying.Any business that has poor custmomer service is business that should fail. :roll: :wink: :)
Remington used to be the "HEAT" with quality accuracy and customer service.

For accuracy now I trust Sako/Tikka (if you can afford it) Savage, Stevens Marlin (Savage clone) and Winchester, CZ too. For CS I like Ruger, Weatherby, Savage. I never dealt with the others I recommended for C.S.
I have had the same problem with Remington. I bought a new 700 stainless synthetic DBM. It sat for a year before I took it out to sight it in for deer and elk. I have a few other toys that I played with and was in no rush to set it up. I hung a Leupold on it in the fall, and went up to the range to get it ready to go. The chambering tool was chipped, and when I fired it, my brass came out looking like a corkscrew. I immediately phoned Remington, and was told that it was my problem. Remingtons will never darken my doorstep again. Their customer service sucks. I have ran into problems with my 20 year old Weatherbys, phoned them, and had the parts in the mail, no charge. Ruger has always treated me well too. In short, Remington sucks.
I had a problem with Remington back in 1987. I sent a M700 back to get rebarreled and they lost it for about 3 months. I got it back about 2-3 wees before hunting season. Not much time to try to find a load.....
Too bad we can't get this link to Remington Top Management so they can see just how bad their reputation is. Perception is reality!

JD338":16igehnq said:
I had a problem with Remington back in 1987. I sent a M700 back to get rebarreled and they lost it for about 3 months. I got it back about 2-3 wees before hunting season. Not much time to try to find a load.....
Too bad we can't get this link to Remington Top Management so they can see just how bad their reputation is. Perception is reality!


JD, you are so right, I wish Remington could just see how they have fallen in the eyes of most hunters and shooters. In their case, what is so sad is that - REALITY IS THE PERCEPTION!!!!
I know I am not too apt to buy another Remington. I was kind of content with the ones I have, but after this, I am kinda leaning towards others. Plus, there are many others that are as good or better than Remington. Plus, they are priced better for the most part also. Scotty
I am kinda leaning towards others. Plus, there are many others that are as good or better than Remington. Plus, they are priced better for the most part also.

Ain't a market-driven economy great? Choice is a good thing. We live in a great time to be a shooter, and the quality of many is great.
Does Remington put a 3 / 5 shot guarantee on anything that doesn't come out of the custom shop?
Dollar for dollar, quality for quality they have fallen out of touch with their Clientel.
They have placed a value line into the market ( Rem Marketing did a good job ) Those of use that have used, purchased Remington back in the " good ole days " bit on these and expected the same quality and what we have in the safe from years past.
The quality just isn't there until you jump into a $800 + item.

I refused to send my 700 VTR back to them to have the extractor issue resolved. I'd just as soon pay my Smith to resolve the issue correctly than to jump into a 50/50 chance with Remington.

I would suspect there are some eyes / ears through-out the Industry that ensure this thread makes it to Remington Customer Service Management?

I have also placed nice little notes within the regestration cards on my last two purchases - amazingly enough - no phone calls back.
Powerstroke":3hcvcgi8 said:
I have also placed nice little notes within the regestration cards on my last two purchases - amazingly enough - no phone calls back.


No need to call you, they already have your hard earned money. :shock:
They don't care.
