Remington model 721

big rifle man

Dec 21, 2005
OK Guys, a friend is going Elk hunting with our crew this year and he's going to shoot a 721 in 30.06. The rifle needs a scope (easy, a 2.5X8 Leupy). I'm going to do the loading for him (180 grain partitions). I'd like some thoughts from other people who have either owned or handled a 721. He's going to replace the wood stock with synthetic. I know they were replaced by the 700 but other than that I'm not familiar with the rifle.
The 721 is essentially a 700. The ADL stock should be ok for you, but it will require fitting. Should also be bedded after custom fitting/inletting.
Same thoughts as POP on the 721. A good load that shoots well in about all bolt gun 30-06's is 56.0 grs IMR 4350 with the 180 gr bullets. You should get around 2800 fps and that will smack an elk.
Pop, did you ever hear of a place called Bob's Gun shop in Arkansas. They sell a ton of stuff for Remingtons. They supposedly have synthetic gunstocks for a 721 Remington. This would be the easiest route as its a drop-in.
My M721 Rem started life as a .30-'06 but has been rebarreled to .280 Rem. I put it in a synthetic McM. M700 stock years ago. The M721 action tail piece sits up a bit, but you don't really notice. Some folks convert to Sako/M-16 extractors, but mine is still original.
