Resizing lube


Jan 4, 2009
Greetings This might not be to technical but is part of the process of reloading. I occasionally suffer the dented brass from to much lube accumulating inside the die and wondering what the "seasoned" reloaders prefer. My ancient method of a small amount of STP on a rolling pad should probably go the way of the dinosaurs. Not wanting to waste money experimenting I am up for alternates. Thanks in advance. Newysan Don't trust a govt. that doesn't trust you to own a gun.
Too much lube on the case will create dents in the brass.
I use Imperial wax, a very light coating is all you need and a tin will last a loooong time.

I like Hornady Unique lube. It allows me to put on just a thin coat with my thumb and index finger on the case body and not get any on the shoulder so I don't get dents. I can also add just a touch to the mouth when they are all stood up in the loading block. After resizing, I wipe them off quick and they are ready to prep and load. Sometimes I just run them in the tumbler but then I have to pick out the media from the flash hole with a pick but that's pretty easy too.
STP is simply not the best lube for you to use. I use both Hornady One Shot (both pump and aerosol) and Imperial sizing wax. I have certainly used my share of RCBS case lube two. Each of these products work well. However, I prefer, and almost exclusively use, Imperial Sizing Wax. If you can feel it on your finger, it is enough. I do not put any on the shoulder. I use either motor mica or Imperial Application Media with Dry Neck Lube for the neck. I have no denting and I have no problems with stuck cases so long as I pay attention to what I am doing.

Clean your dies after every session with a little Hoppes No. 9 on a large patch with a wooden dowel that fits loosely. Make certain to use a dry patch after cleaning the die.
If I have 20 or more cases to resize I usually lightly roll them on my Lyman pad using the Lyman lube. If I have less than 20 to work with I then use the Lee resizing lube using my thumb & finger to apply. The Lee lube dries fairly quickly but can still be used in the die. It also wipes off very easily. I put a touch of it on a Q-Tip to lube the inside of the neck. When lube builds up in my die I usually wrap a couple of patches saturated with a degreaser around a suitable non-metal bore brush, place it in an electric hand drill and clean it.

Happy Shooting
Dr.Mike wrote: "I use either motor mica or Imperial Application Media with Dry Neck Lube for the neck."

What is accomplished, using the "Dry Neck" on the neck.
It may be better that what I have been doing, which gets a bit of case lube inside the neck.
The dry lube doesn't contaminate the powder. Wet lubes potentially contaminate the powder, causing significant variations in burn rates. If you use a wet lube, you do need to ensure that you get it all out.
JD338":3ho8unmy said:
Too much lube on the case will create dents in the brass.
I use Imperial wax, a very light coating is all you need and a tin will last a loooong time.


absolutely! :!:
I am still using the same bottle of RCBS lube I got about 20 years ago. A little dab really is all that it needed on a lube pad. I plan on trying Imperial Sizing wax on Mikes and Jim's recommendation though. So far, the RCBS lube, when applied correctly has been excellent to me. Scotty
I tried the Hornady spray lube and had many stuck cases. I have used the imperial and it is good. I have used Dillon spray and it works. What I really like is the RCBS spray. Quick and easy. Not messy and I can size my 50bmg brass without troubles.
I have been using the RCBS spray lube lately. Just spray a little on the pad and lube the cases. Usually touch the pad with my finger and rub it around the neck for neck lubing. Effective, not messy and easy to use. May be something better but this has been working good for me..

I tried the Hornady spray lube and had many stuck cases.

The Hornady One Shot is water based, so its lubricity is somewhat lower than lubricants that are oil and/or wax based. This is especially true if the One Shot Lube dries. For anyone using this product, it is a good idea not to spray too many cases at a time or to leave them before sizing.
I like the Hornady Unique. Just a very tiny amount on my thumb and index finger and slide/roll the cases between them. I use Imperial (Redding ) ultrafine graphite powder on the inside and outsides of the necks. Lubing the inside of the neck seems to reduce case length stretching and makes it much smoother to pull the expander ball thru the neck when pulling the case out of the die.

Hornady unique is good on leather, smells good and is not too hard to wipe off cases with a paper towel.

I found Imperial wax a little harder to use and wipe off, but I live in very cool country.
Imperial lube on the bottom 1/3 of the case, home made dry lube inside/outside of the neck. Threw the pad and all spray lubes in the trash years ago.Rick.
Used the pad for yrs, messy. Tried the spray stuff, expensive, but better than pad.

Imperial die wax on the fingers beats them all in my book. Use a cotton rag with iso to wipe clean.

Good stuff Maynard!

Imperial is the only thing I have used for years.
It was recommended to me by a old time reloader that has long since gone to be with the Lord.

Well I read this post "after" I submitted an order for some additional toy parts so I had to pay shipping again where I ordered... darn. :):):)

I just ordered 2 oz of Imperial Sizing Die Wax and 1 oz of Imperial Dry Case Neck lube...

A few questions for super novice (heck I haven't even reloaded my first round yet)

1. The Sizing Die Wax is applied via fingers and not via a pad?
2. The Sizing Die Wax is applied only to the lower third of the case?
3. The Dry Case Neck Lube is applied via fingers?
4. The Dry Case Neck Lube is applied on the outside neck only or on the outside neck and the top 2/3 of the case?
5. The Dry Case Neck Lube is also applied inside the neck and if so, how is it applied.

By the way, right after reading this post, I jumped on youtube and saw a video comparing the RCBS lube with the Imperial Sizing Die Wax. That along with the expert statements on this forum convinced me to go get it. :)

Thanks All

The sizing die wax is applied with the fingers. If you can see it, you probably have too much. The lower third of the case is usually enough. You don't need to get it on the shoulders and/or neck. Dip the neck in the Dry Case Neck Lube and tap the case with your finger to ensure that any excess is knocked off into the tin. Enough graphite will adhere to ensure that the expander ball doesn't drag.
I dip the case neck in the dry lube, tap the side of the case to expell any excess and run a nylon brush in/out of the neck. Apply a light coat of Imperial wax with my fingers on the bottom third of the case. A can of the Imperial will lube thousands of cases, you don't need much. If you clean your FL or body die, pre-lube the mouth of the die with Imperial.Rick.