Rifle Brass



Who makes Hornady & PMC Rifle Brass? or do they manufacture their own?

I have some PMC Brass I used in the past, good quality brass.

I used quite a bit of PMC for my 7mm RM and some with my 300 WSM. I found it to be good brass; I had no complaints. I still have some PMC brass that has been resized ten or so times. It gives me as good service as WW or RP brass.
I only have about 24-pieces of 30-06 PMC Brass. I always thought it was junk prior to getting some the other year, just happen to come across a good buy at the time. Really was impressed when I worked with it. Is new Pmc Brass readily available anywhere you know of?

PMC was low end cheap brass with some tolerence and brittleness issues in the early 80s as PAN METALIC CARTRIGE but has improved dramaticaly since then. I have no problems at all with it now. I don't know if they changed ownership or just improved.
any opinions on reloading Hornady rifle brass? Pros vs cons.

Dr. Mike,
In your experience do you see any significant case volume differences between Hornady, Remington & Winchester brass in the 30-06 caliber?


There are always differences. Whether they are significant or not must be determined through experimentation. In practise, the differences in the brass you named are minimal. However, since my wife's husband has his eye close to the action of the rifles that are tested, I do not assume safety--I practise safety. I segregate my brass, so that when I work up a load, I use one lot of brass and work with that lot throughout the process. I do not mix brass. Ergo, if I have worked up a load with Winchester, I do not assume that it will be safe to simply substitute PMC brass. If I work up a load with Nosler brass, even though it is produced by Norma, I drop back and work up from a minimum when I change to Norma brass. It is still a good practise to drop back at least 5% and work up whenever any component is changed.
I'm with Dr. Mike - I always drop back and rework if I change a component. This includes if I change lot numbers of primer, powder, or bullet. Life's too short to blow up guns!

As for Hornady brass, I've loaded some and it's as good as Win/Rem, or maybe a little better, but it's hard to tell. I don't find much difference between all the cheap and expensive brass for hunting purposes. If I were to shoot competitively or at really long ranges, maybe. But out to 500yds, no differences that I can tell.
Thanks for the info, I never have mixed brass. I have used PMC & Win brass with the same load for the 30-06 with good results, a proven load. Went through my stock of brass the other day and noticed the different brass I have on hand.
