Rifle moose opener


Jun 27, 2009
Went out with my buddy this morning for the rifle opener for our local zones. He had a bull moose draw , we headed out to what we call Great Granmas land which is my wife's brother currently farms. I had seen moose a week prior and knew they should be around.
Half hour into legal light we spotted a cow , she kept looking back into the bush. A short hike gave us a better vantage point and we picked out what seemed to be a decent bull. As he stepped out if the bush and crossed a small creek onto our side of the field and closer to the cow , I ranged him at a bit over 300 yrds . I quicky said to my buddy ,as he settled into prone, he's only got one antler. He mumbled something about a gift horse and a mouth lol. Within seconds his trusty 7mm RM barked and he sent the 154 gr Hornady btsp on its way. An audible whap was soon heard there after, the bull made it about 50 yrds . Just far enough into the bush to make us work a bit.
We had him gutted and loaded by 12 and at our other buddy's shop where we skinned him out. A good day to start the season.

Congratulations. Nothing finer than a moose steak, especially if it is from a moose with one antler. (Reminds me of a song from my youth--Can't remember all the words, "Shot a moose with one antler." Dunno, maybe that wasn't it after all.)
One antler beats no antler and no antler beats no meat.
Congrats to your buddy!

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That is a nice Bull, it will be fine eating!!
Thanks for the post with photos.
