Rifle Opinion Needed


May 12, 2005
I have a lead on a NIB Remington 338RUM Stainless/Syn. I think I can get it for around $600 shipped. You long time Remmy fans, is this something to go after? I was looking at a Rem. custom SS N. American, but at $2300+, $600 is looking like a deal. A new Boyds JRS nutmeg laminate stock would be on order.
The BDL STS/SYN will run about $650 The XCR with the Nitrite coating and Hogue overmolded stock will run about $900 Delivered. The Boyd's stock will run you about $200 delivered. I have two of the XCRs and they are awsome. Light and accurate. I bought a Boyd's pepper laminate stock for my Vanguard. It was pretty but I had to get it glass bedded to get real accuracy. The inletting was good but not tight and the barrel edged one side of the channel. I have the XCR in 338RUM and the only other version I would consider is the LSS which has become scarce as hen's teeth since they were discontinued. I have one of those in 375 RUM but could never find one in 338 RUM so I went to the XCR and never looked back (as they say). Good luck in your search :grin:
Good Hunting
Elkhunt :grin:
Guy Miner":39igxh8n said:
Consider a muzzle brake. That's a LOT of cartridge! :grin:

I will not have another gun with a muzzle brake. My 338WM has the BOSS and it's horrible, to the point I'm almost ready to order the BOSS CR to replace the brake. Just to damn loud. I give a friend of mine crap for having a wussy brake put on his 300WM.