Rocked the AccuBonds today


Dec 2, 2010
My goal was to catch two AccuBonds today. The first attempt failed. The 180 fired from the 30-06 slipped out of jug #4. Out of the 25-06, I caught a 110 grain AccuBond in jug #6 from 20 yards. Jug #1 and 2 were destroyed. The .25 bullet opened up to .46" and weighs 71.3 grains (65% retention) and is a perfect mushroom. After shooting at jugs, I shot a 3 shot group with both rifles. The 30-06 shot a .448" group and the 25-06 shot a .746" group at 100 yards. I am done with those, they are ready to hunt!!! Next time out, I plan on shooting the 180 into jugs and will shoot both rifles over the chronograph to check speeds.

I will post pictures in the bullet section after I get my speeds measured.

The other rifles shot well today also, but the star of the day was the AccuBond!!!
Nice work!

Seems you're getting the accuracy you wanted, and doggone, that little .25 cal AccuBond did real well. I'm impressed.

That is great penetration on the 110 grain AccuBond which I use in my .257 Roberts at about 3150 fps. Thanks for the test information.