Roosevelts 30-03


Aug 19, 2012
I knew that his Springfield was made & chambered in the original 30-03 , which had a longer neck and a 220gr bullet around 2300. He mentions in his "African Game Trails" that from time to time he would use the "military pointed spritzer" ( the 1906 round, shorter neck, 150 at 2700fps) several times but gives no detail on his 220gr. I can't find any info so does anyone know if his 220gr bullet was a fmj, cupro nickel jacked round nose or a soft nose? I can't imagine him using that 150 fmj on elephant, though he did use it on rhino!
OK Found some info, it seems he had access to both the military fmj 220 ( the old Krag bullet) and that Franlfurd Arsenal loaded him up some 220 softnose ( no info on what make i.e. if it was the old Peters belted softnose of the time) Just curious.
Very interesting to think that was one of the most potent cartridges of the time. A couple years later the '06 is born and for most hunting applications they could've stopped right there. For whatever reason a lot of people look down their nose at the '06, like it's not capable of putting meat on the table anymore.

I may have more guns than I need but there will always be a .30-06 in the stable.
Cool stuff.

I'd agree with you Lefty, one day I'll have to find one of them...