Roy puts a dog down!


Apr 9, 2012
Coyote that is.

Decided to go hog hunting last night. I had just settled in on top of a bluff overlooking a large pond, waiting for night to fall. Along comes this thirsty, young coyote and I couldn't resist. 257 Roy and a 115 Ballistic Tip rolled her up, should I say...rather nicely.

I was surprised the at how little damage the BST did. Slipped the bullet in at a downward trajectory, on top the right ribcage. As you can see from the second pic, the exit wound wasn't very substantial. Velocity was a skosh over 3400 and distance was 50 yards.

Yeah, that Bee stung the dog right smartly! Fine job on a coyote.
That Yote must of thought it was hit by lightning :shock:.
Good job as they sure take their toll on young deer & upland birds!


Nicely done.
The 115 gr BT is a favorite of mine!

Did you cut the yote open? I bet it was jelly on the inside. At that speed and range I would be willing to bet that the only thing that exited was just the jacket of the bullet.
1Shot":3n29glkk said:
Did you cut the yote open? I bet it was jelly on the inside. At that speed and range I would be willing to bet that the only thing that exited was just the jacket of the bullet.


No, didn't cut her open, but you could certainly hear the copious amounts of liquid sloshing around when I picked her up. Without sounding too morbid, I would've like to have seen a slow-mo of the bullet impact. The Hydro-static shock must of been off the chart.
Congrats, and nice job. Good to shoot a coyote.

I too was surprised last year when I hit a coyote at 420 yards with the 115 gr Ballistic Tip. Instant drop, but not a big exit wound. On the other hand, the 115 Ballistic Tip did a superb job on a mule deer and a pronghorn on that same hunt. It's not a light-duty bullet.


420!! That's a nice tag.

The 115 BST has proven to be the most consistently accurate bullet in my 257, and.... it just kills sh#t , pronto.
Nice 'yote!

The more I play with the .257 diameter stuff the more I like them. Nice looking rifle by the way.