I have a ruger m77 stainless and synthetic stock, earlier I figured I would clean one of my other rifles and check a few others, well I picked up my ruger and figured I would run a patch threw it and the barrel felt rough. The gun had been cleaned before I put it up last and I alway run a patch with some oil on it before I put them up. I looked down the barrel and there are all these spots on it, and in one spot it looks like a peice of metal is peeling back and it goes around about 1/4 the way around the inside of the barrel. None of the patches came back with rust on them.
WTF guys??? Anybody have any ideas as to what could have happened and if my barrel is ruined? I always take care of my guns and clean after every time at the range and run an oiled patch down the barrel before put them up.
WTF guys??? Anybody have any ideas as to what could have happened and if my barrel is ruined? I always take care of my guns and clean after every time at the range and run an oiled patch down the barrel before put them up.