Ruger SBH and Springfield XDm

Scott Spencer

Mar 27, 2008
Here is my new 5.5" .44 Mag SBH. Built in July 2011 and I love it!! Got to order me a western holster for it now. :grin:


Here is my Springfield 3.5" XDm in 9mm. I've added a fiber optic front and rear sight and the rear is adjustable. I also used the enhancement technique to hightlight the engraving as found on the XD forums.


Those are a couple of fine looking handguns, Scott. Thanks for posting.
Scott, my Dad has that same SBH and I tried to trade him but he wouldn't budge! It is a great shooter. I would like to get me a short barreled SBH like that in a 45 Colt. Be a nice packing pistol I think.
Thanks, fellas. I like them both but the SBH has given me the single action fever!!!

Scotty - you and I think alike! I want a 45LC as well. I just can't decide if I want to buy a Ruger BH or something like the Uberti 1873 SAA
Those are some fine handguns. I'm itching for a SBH and your rosewood grips set that SS off nicely. The XDs are great too. I haven't tried your newer Match variant yet but have only heard good reports.

The 45LC is enjoying a nice and well-deserved comeback. A very versatile cartridge which is now loaded at levels unheard of during its heyday. You can really load them down for range work too.
Both the XD line and Ruger SAs are hard to beat. I don't think you can go wrong with either of them!