Sako 85 Varmint

I have one in 7mm08 that I bought used. Very accurate,but copper fouls the barrel easy.I have wondered (and heard) that the barrel was not broke in right so it copper fouls as a result. No problem on the the copper fouling,every 50 rounds or so I use Wipe Out. Excellent shooting,don't get any better than that with a hunting rifle. I would NEVER part with that rifle.
If copper only builds to a problem after fifty rounds, you have a pretty good barrel. I'd say it is broken in quite reasonably.
Holy thread resurrection, Batman! Four years old? :) Lots of names I don't see any more.
Holy thread resurrection, Batman! Four years old? :)

Ya' just never know what will come back into vogue! :mrgreen: Careful what you write; you may have to face it again. :shock:
I have been reading along, and sometimes come to a post that I strongly disagree with, and find out I wrote it!
BK":20swd7m5 said:
I have been reading along, and sometimes come to a post that I strongly disagree with, and find out I wrote it!

Kinda funny how that works. And everyone is always gaining knowledge and changing their views to be socially accepted or based on new knowledge. Kinda like politics. In that case we would be called a filp-flopper. Over time that is not a bad thing say 5-10 years. Over 2 weeks I would call that something else.