Sako action price?


Ammo Smith
Mar 1, 2007
I am weighing all my options carefully before going ahead with any new project and was wondering how much do you think a Sako left hand L 691 action with both a standard and magnum bolt would be worth along with a Brown's Precision stock that has a crack lengthwise in the stock? The crack has been there for years and has never caused any problems other than being annoying to look at. Goat and sheep hunting can be really tough on equipment :lol:
Guess it depends on if you're a lefty or not just how much it will bring! :wink:

Sorry, I mean no offense.

Those Sako actions are very popular in Texas, I don't see them too much here in the PNW but I have seen one or two for sure.
filmjunkie4ever":2mefb8cw said:
Guess it depends on if you're a lefty or not just how much it will bring! :wink:

Sorry, I mean no offense.

Those Sako actions are very popular in Texas, I don't see them too much here in the PNW but I have seen one or two for sure.

No offense taken :lol:
I'm newly married so want to be wise in any projects I do from now on. It was different when I wasted my money when single but now there are two of us Selling a gun a couple of weeks after I get it because there is something I didn`t like probably wouldn`t fly to well ( and yes I have actually done that in the past :) )