Sako L691 Safari Deluxe 416 Rem Mag


May 18, 2009
I just saw this rifle for sale, used and in Mint condition, also Magna Ported barrel. I'm just waiting for an email with the pics, I might just snag this one if all is good :twisted:


That would be a hammer for sure. Something about the 416 cals that is just magical.

Years ago I had a Sako 75 hunter in a 416 rem mag. That was one very nice rifle. Can't wait to see pictures of your new toy.
JD338":19nx4kky said:

That would be a hammer for sure. Something about the 416 cals that is just magical.

For sure Jim..Here's the pics I have so far, I have to see it in person though, and wheel and deal first :) ..I don't have time today, and leaving early tomorrow for Bear, I well stop in on my way home to check out the beast in person.

Lou :wink:
Oh MY ! Really like that 1 for sure ! Probably be well used in your part of the country Lou ! Hope the Bear hunt goes well for ya as the rifle hunt is surely on track!
HOGWILD338-378":1186gkm0 said:
Oh MY ! Really like that 1 for sure ! Probably be well used in your part of the country Lou ! Hope the Bear hunt goes well for ya as the rifle hunt is surely on track!

Thanks Terry, I just got more pics!..I might pic it up on the way home next week :shock:

...don't think I'd worry about the bore condition, doesn't appear to have been fired much... :roll: :lol: :mrgreen:
wildgene":3uvl6j0v said:
...don't think I'd worry about the bore condition, doesn't appear to have been fired much... :roll: :lol: :mrgreen:

Thank you, Captain Obvious. Lou, that appears to be a great snag for you. For sure, keep us posted.
Great looking SAKO!

Great cartridge too. Compact, but designed to replicate .416 Rigby performance. Cool.

Lou, those higher grade, older Sako models are really pretty rifles, drool drool. Vicariously, I hope that you get this rifle. I bet it is a shooter, as is!
Even if ya do not get it please leave the pictures up as man it is pretty! Hope ya still get it as you are surely going to see a Hipo or a Rhino walk by at any moment! :)
HOGWILD338-378":2rczdcgg said:
Even if ya do not get it please leave the pictures up as man it is pretty! Hope ya still get it as you are surely going to see a Hipo or a Rhino walk by at any moment! :)

Thanks Terry, I don't really need this thing, but if it looks good in my hands when I get back home, I'll take it! :wink:

I might have to part with one of my other rifles though :shock:

Wow, that's a beauty right there Lou. Wow, a 416 Rem Mag, too cool.

I guess you could ditch those little bitty 350 grain bullets your launching from you 375 and step way up into the 400's and better! Dang, always thought the 416RM was just a cool cat!
SJB358":2tikcc3t said:
Wow, that's a beauty right there Lou. Wow, a 416 Rem Mag, too cool.

I guess you could ditch those little bitty 350 grain bullets your launching from you 375 and step way up into the 400's and better! Dang, always thought the 416RM was just a cool cat!

Whatcha think pal, even swap for my .375 H&H :?: :shock: :wink:
Lou you need it buddy ! And getting rid of 1 to get another OH MY !! That should never be done unless it is a problem child as in non shooter! Especially 1 Sako for another Sako scenario? Win win Is much better than loose win!! That would be like trading in my 270 Lazermark for another and that would be like asking me to watch the Rachel Madcow Show? Will not happen! No bear brats yet ?
HOGWILD338-378":2s9j3d3v said:
Lou you need it buddy ! And getting rid of 1 to get another OH MY !! That should never be done unless it is a problem child as in non shooter! Especially 1 Sako for another Sako scenario? Win win Is much better than loose win!! That would be like trading in my 270 Lazermark for another and that would be like asking me to watch the Rachel Madcow Show? Will not happen! No bear brats yet ?

Terry, nice rifle no doubt. I like my .375 H&H a whole bunch, and after giving it some more thought, I'm not gonna throw out $2000 for an almost 20 yr old rifle, that doesn't even have spare parts made for it anymore :shock:

Hew, that was a close one eh,
Lou :)