Sask Boy's (family's) Moose


Dec 24, 2006
Here is a picture Dan sent to me to post up a picture of his cousin's moose taken with a 338 Lapua! Pretty awesome moose. I will let Dan add the details of the hunt, but here is the picture. Scotty

The young guy is my cousin's boy and he lives in Hinton Alberta, his dad beside him has the same name as me and we were named after his dad. This is kind of funny as it was Uncle Dan and then me being Dan and then my cousin being named Little Dan well as you can see he is anything but little, to this day most of the family calls him little Dan or Little D :) ( Little D has been a heavy duty mechanic most of his life and lives here in Regina.) When I tell of our Elk & Moose hunts it is with Little D at his place up in northern Saskatchewan. Little D traveled over 14 hours last Sunday in a real bad blizzard for the first 500 miles to be with his boys :mrgreen:
I don't know much about the hunt other than Derek had a draw moose tag and that the moose was shot just at a little over 300 yards. Little D advised me that when they opened him up the bottom of the moose's heart was gone.
Derek bought a new Lapua this year and gave his dad the old one. I do know that they shoot 300gr bullets and Little D put a muzzle break on before he would shoot it so I know that they have some POP :lol:
It is not much of a story but it is special, as it shows what dads will do to be with their kids and by way most of us think that Little D is part moose as there is no one that I know that knows more about that animal and has had his success hunting them. I know of 3 people this year that Dan has helped get Moose plus he got a bull for himself in the open season here in Saskatchewan.

Tha's a real nice bull, any details on the load he used in the 338 Lapua? That certainly isn't a common caliber.

Just read you didn't know much about it, sorry.
Congratulations!,,,that pic reminds a lot, of the area up near Prince Albert.
Moose numbers there impressed me. But never made an oppritunity to hunt them happen,,,,,still kicking myself.
The Dans did very well. Even following rut, that bull looks in great shape. He'll make some fine meals this winter.
Congratulations to Team Dan. That is a beautiful bull moose.
Ya just gotta love those fast 338's.

Hi Gerry, Derek texted me and advised that he is trying to join the forum but is having some trouble with security question. He advised that he would figure it out sometime today. :)
He didn't tell me type of bullet I doubt that it would be a Nosler as they don't normally use them I would think likely a Barnes.
He stated with Hornady brass 87.9grs of H1000 and the over all length would 3.681 and he is shooting a Savage 110 he advised that the bullet is .030 off the lands. He advised that when he is using Lupua brass the OAL is3.710 with 93 grs of H1000 Dereks states that the Lupua brass can handle more case pressure.
Derek also advised that as we know all rifles can handle different pressure so you should start low and build your own load.
If Derek can not get on the forum and may have to ask for some help as usual :)

