Savage action screw torque amount?


May 15, 2009

I tried looking it up in the manual and online and couldn't find anything...tried calling savage and they are closed (damn you eastern time zone!), so I thought I'd ask here. I'm trying to find out what I should torque the action screws to on my Savage 110 FCP HS .338 Lapua. After my last range outing I was having every few shots fly 2+ inches from POA and discovered my action screws were very very loose. Also, would you use some locktite on them with this round? I'm wondering if the recoil is jarring them loose....

I dunno if you need LocTite, but if you try it use the blue stuff. It'll keep stuff from moving and won't make disassembly impossible. Use the wrong stuff and you may never get the rifle apart again!
This is from the instructions that came with my Fat Wrench ich pound torque wrench.

Wood, Synthetic or Fibreglass stocks without pillar bedding: 40 inch pounds.

Wood, Synthetic or Fiberglass stocks with pillar bedding: Up to 65 inch pounds.

Paul B.
Got ahold of a savage CS representative this morning.....he recommended 30-35 in/lb's. that just seems really light to me for such a heavy recoiling gun. Thoughts? I am just paranoid now that they are going to come loose again, and knowing Murphy, it will be at the worst time possible! Also, he was pretty emphatic about not using lock-tight, and when questioned about why they would have come loose from the factory torque values as it had not been removed from the stock since taken out of the box he had no explanation. I just keep thinking that there has to be a reason that most tactical pillar bedded rifles are torqued to 65in/lb's....