Scope Mount Idea


May 26, 2012
Howdy all.

I want to pick the brain of you all here and see what you think of an idea I had.

I currently have three rifles, they all have scopes mounted, but only one scope that gives me the optical quality I want in low light situations. That's my Zeiss HD5. I was thinking, since I shoot three different rifles, of putting a rail on my rifles and using quick detach mounts to move the scope from rifle to rifle.

This would allow me to have the "best glass" on all my rifles. Yes, I'm aware that I would have to re-zero each time I switched rifles but if I kept good notes I could get reasonably close before shooting. For example:

On the .300 Win Mag the scope is zeroed. If I move it to the 25/06, through the practice of keeping good notes and testing it for repeatability, I could ascertain that perhaps the rifle shoots an average of 5 inches to the left and four inches low. Those "rough" adjustments could be made prior to zeroing the scope on the 25/06 when moved from the .300 Win Mag.

What say you all about using one scope on three rifles?
Why not see if you can find a European claw mount and several bases. That way, you could use one scope on all three rifles. You would have to write down zero settings for each of the bases but that would not be too hard.