Scope Mounts for a Mk V

Greg Nolan

Nov 25, 2004
What is the best way to go on scope mounts for a Wby MkV Magnum rifle . I see that Talley has some one piece mount/ring systems and of course Leupold dual dovetail.
What have you all used sucessfully?

All I use are Leupold Standard mounts, front dovetail rear windage screw mounts, and they have worked well for me even on my 338 RUM.
The duel dovetail mounts are very robust and will work well on your 416 Wby.

Call Leupold customer service and they will advise you with the correct mounting system and part numbers for bases and rings.

Greg I just put some Leupold dual dovetail mounts on my son's 300 WSM. They look really sharp and have nice lines to them. I too have used the mounts with the rear windage adjustment with complete satisfaction as well, but the dovetails have a little nicer/cleaner lines in my opinion.
I have used a bunch of the Leupold dovetail mounts and have really become a fan of their PRW/QRW set ups also. they seem rock solid and lend themselves to stripping the rifle down and really being able to clean it, or being able to switch scopes out for a back up scope, if it was ever needed. I am thinking just about any new rifle I get will get these mounts and maybe a few of my older ones also. Scotty