scratches on my 9mm brasswhen cycling thru handgun


Mar 13, 2009
when i cycle my 9mm loads thru my hand gun im ending up with small scratches on the brass ,, as far as i know ive loaded everything correctly but i keep haveing the scratches,, factory ammo does not do this,, could it be a taper crimp problem ??????
When you first fired the brass in your pistol, the brass expanded to the dimentions of your chamber. If you used minimal sizing to extend brass life, and minimize brass streach, them you might see some scratches. As long as your reloads still cycle fine, I don't see where this would be an issue.
the rounds were never fired,,, i put a few in the clip and cycled them by hand to make sure they cycled before fireing,, thats when i noticed the scratches and after looking at the brass again its a little more than scratches the marks are gouged into the brass,, they will fire and cycle tho, i ran some factory ammo thru by hand as well and its not scratching them just the re-loads :x
Scratches from cycling rounds through a semi-auto are very common. If you look close enough, you probably have some one the factory rounds you cycle through as well.