setting up Forster resizer die ?? ?? ??

Al in SC

Sep 28, 2010
My son has a problem he wants help with. He post on this board as “highcotton” but doesn’t have access to a computer right now.

He is setting up a new Forrester 270 WSM full length resizing die. He has followed the instructions that came with the dies in setting it up. When he turns the lock ring into position to lock it it covers the vent hole in the die. Is this normal? He is using The RCBS shell holder called for for that particular cartridge. Is an extended shell holder called for? Any thoughts.
The vent hole getting covered is normal, It happens to several of my dies and has never caused a problem.
No extended holder needed.
Al in SC

Welcome to the forum.

I have not used Forester dies but even with the lock ring covering the vent hole, it will still relieve pressure. Maybe a washer or spacer could be used to position the lock ring above the vent hole.


I'm assuming that your son is using a single-stage press other than the Forster Co-Ax. He need not worry about covering the vent hole, as others have already stated. The Forster dies work the same as any other die on either a Rock Chucker or a Redding T-7 or a RCBS Partner press. I have used the Forster dies on each of these presses, and they perform superbly. The #43 shell holder is precisely the one he wants to use, and he can do so without concern.
JD, I posted under 260fan for some 3 to 4 years. I had internet problems and changed providers to g-mail. I couldn't get my registration to work on here with the new provider and was advised by Justmo to relog in under a new user name,thus the Al in SC. Good to know I am still welcome though. :grin: :mrgreen: I send my best wishes and hope all is going well with you.

Dr. Mike, He is using a RCBS rock chucker press and the 43 case holder. Thanks folks.