shooting my kimber again.


Dec 3, 2007
This time with a chroney.
For awhile now, its been to overcast for me to use a chrony , After all it winter in oregon and here even the rust gets rusty.
But I saw enough sun today when I got up to give it a try.
Packed up my Kimber .308 and drove over to clark county rifle range in vancouver wa.
I already had a good hunting hunting load with a 150 grain speer hot core over 47 grains of IMR-4064, shootin and avarage of about .80 inches for 3 shot groups.
Today, I had a slightly hotter load with 47.5 grains of the same powder and all else the same.
I will revert back to the 47 grain load as the half grain increase brought my group size up to an avarage of 1.42.
velocity avarage was 2863.
I had another load to try with the same 47 grain charge as I had already had good results with only I toped the winchester case with a 150 grain sierra pro hunter.
The rifle clearly likes the 47 grain chg weight as I got an avarage of 1.02 for 5, 3 shot groups.
Not quite as good as the speer bullet but a difference of .22 at 100 yards off sandbags , is as likly the shooter as the componants. (at least if the shooter is me) velocity avg, was 2852.
Gotta love that.
So now I will be equaly happy with either bullet for deer hunting.
And I take a little joy in knowing my load will be as fast as most factory 06 loads with the same weight bullet.
I also tried a load with 47 of IMR-4064 and the CT-coated fail safe.
I had my only called flyer of the day with this load only leaving me 8 to test.
velocity was at 2747, stll good enough, I bet the coating was the reason for the 100 FPS drop ?
And a 3 shot group was 1.45 and a 5 shot group was 1.67.
Not a great shooter, But I bet a little experimentation would tighten things up, and This bullet would be a dandy for a black bear load from a stand.
The last load I tried was with Hornadys 150 grain SST. The newest hornady book lists a max of 44.9 grains. (quite a bit less than anybody else) I did one of the things we are suposed to never do and started there.
I only loaded 3 just as a safty test and 1 at 46 grs.
The grouped into about 1.4 and gave no obvious sighns of presure.
When you consider this rifle with the 2.5X8 Ziess conquest weighs about 6 LBs.
I am completly satisfied with the results so far.
Any load that avarages an inch for 3 shots at 100 yards is plenty good enough for this deer hunter.
i am suposed to help a buddie with his just aquierd used 06.
so I think I will bring along my very nice custom .257 roberts AI-40.
I have exactly 28 rounds loaded for it with 10 rounds each of a 115 grain balistic tip, and 117 grain SST and the last 8 are the bottom of a Box of 110 grain acubonds. The Red whit and blue tips look great in the AI cases.
I have never had a bit of luck getiing that 110 grainer to shoot in I thik 5 rifles I have tried it in.
I know others swerar by it and I really like the acubonds in general.
I hope this Rifle will spit them into a nice tight little group.
FYI, its FN-side safty action, 25 inch light sporter Douglas tube very nicly full length bedded in a richards Micro fit stock.
It has a 4.5 X 14 Nikkon buck master side focus scope on it.
Film at 11.00

Thanks for the report. That Kimber 308 is one smooth shooter!
Looking forward to the news action live film on your 257 Roberts AI. :wink:

Is the Clark County Rifle Range public, or private? I've been putting off signing up a Tri-County Gun Club again because money is pretty tight right now. (I should just bite the bullet, 'cause it'll save me enough gas money to pay the fees.)
clark county rifle range ,
Is not a membership type of place, I see you live in west linn.
Probably about a 25 to 30 mile drive down 205 for you.
It costs 15,00 Bucks to shoot.
I guess it depends on how often you go as to weather it would pay off to join tri county.
Have you considerd douglas ridge ?
Its a bit closer to you out on Hwy 224 past clackamas.
tjRoberts":3o0abkav said:
Have you considerd douglas ridge ?

My buddy's aunt and uncle have a place on the Clackamas River that I used to fish a lot. That drive out that way is brutal. Funny thing is that I used to like curvy roads. Not anymore. Give me nice straight interstate where I can zone out and think about other, more important things. Like what chambering I want to try next.

Of course, at Tri-County, I have to drive through Toilettown (Tualatin).
TJ, have you tried RL-15, H or I-4895? all of those have worked wel for me over the years. Your velocity is about the same I get with RL-15 in one of my 308s the same I get in my 30/06 with a 165gr bullet.Rick.

I also like my lightweight Kimber Montana in 308. I was satisfied with the various 'Featherweights' that have been made at 6.75 # however due to my age and the very fact that the Kimber is indeed very effective at its 5.3 # has me reaching for it.

My scope is also a 2.5-8 Zeiss Conquest. They are fabulous.

I load the 155 Berger VLD for deer with IMR 4064. Mine shoots about MOA out to 200 yds and it hammers those whitetails.

Here it is with its first scope a Zeiss Diatal 4X.

Nice set up 99.
Those montana versions are lighter than my French walnut.
I am a we bit leary to spend any money these days , with my back injury so up in the air.
But I would love to get somthing like one of the longmaster classics also in .308.
I think that would give me the ability with a 24 inch tube to maximize the potential of the .308 cartridge , and I would be able to shoot with out being so carfull of barrel heat.
Chances are I will try do do the same thing with somthing like a heavy barreld remington, or one of the new winchesters.
I like the Ziess 2.5X8 . I want to get it out in the woods so I can compare it to my VX3 2.5X8s.
I really have liked thos scopes on my .257 Roberts and a 30,06.

The Classics are quite light as well. I got one for my son in 7-08.

I have plenty of heavier rifles from way back so I have little interest in the Kimber Longmaster series. I see little gain to be had from a couple inches of barrel in the 308 at least for hunting and we don't shoot hunting rifles at game all that much.

Chrono's work better on overcast days...On sunny days the light gets scattered and gives more false readings and errors...this is true of ALL chrono's (except infrared). Thats why they say to use the diffusers on sunny days...they help, but are far from perfect.
I did not know that ridge runner.
thanks for the info.
Now I will need another excuse not to drag my chrony & tripod down into the steep gravel pit the range is built in more often !
I never had a problem with my chrony rain or shine. I had an Oehler 35p and sold it . JD338 has it now. I now use a Chrony Beta Master.
They don't always screw up in the sun...but it is more likely. I had a Chrony (Beta Master) and it was a pain in the butt in the sun...I finally got mad at it and it suffered a "terminal ballistic event" (308 bullet at 2700 fps).

I now use a ProChrono Digital....its not as bad, but its still more accurate in the shade and on overcast days. In the sun they are just not as reliable...even the manufacturers will tell you that. (thats who told me)

The Oehler 35p is better than most others.