Shooting practice at home?


Dec 2, 2010
Do you know of any way to practice shooting while at home to prepare for a hunting trip? I need to work on sitting with stick and off hand.
Dry firing repeatedly in different positions.

Outdoor Life has an article in it this month about trying different positions, and trying to shoot X number of times (1-3) at each position in a certain amount of time. You can make up your pwn similar exercises so that you're ready to go.

If you want, have someone else tell you when you "see" an animal and need to get ready. Walk around the yard (or house if an unfriendly neighborhood) and have them say something like "deer 250 yards ahead at the pine tree" so you know where to look.

Have fun.
Dry fire, dry fire, dry fire!

Make sure all the ammo is somewhere else in the house - several rooms away - be very careful please. I've seen incidents of dry fire go to live fire very quickly when the gremlins managed to load a gun...

But yes, dry fire. Unloaded gun. Put a target on the wall. "Shoot" it repeatedly from different positions. Aluminum snap caps or distinctly marked dummy ammo you can make are good too. Gets you a chance to work the bolt, feed cartridges, etc...

Dry fire, fully cycle the bolt each time. If you have some one to assist, balance a coin on the barrel, then squeeze off the shot. The coin should stay on the barrel.

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I do a bunch of shooting with a pellet rifle. Dry firing gets old after a while and I just like seeing results.
Dry fire as much as possible. Air rifle time would also be a good thing.

I'm lucky to have a 100yd range in the yard. I do dry fire a lot but have a 10/22 set up with the same trigger pull as my hunting rifles and like to live fire too. I want to get a Ruger American Rimfire with the same trigger pull and switch to it. I can set up spinner targets, computer printed pics of game, lots of stuff and do lots of short sessions. It has worked for me. I have the American Rimfire in 22 mag but ammo is to hard to find to use it for practice and to expensive. I have no problem remembering to cycle a bolt though, I tried hard to cycle one that wasn't there after my first muzzle loader buck. It was automatic to me to reach for the bolt and try to get another round in the buck as he ran away. The bullet hit where it was supposed to and he dropped just out of sight from where I shot from.