Sight drifting tool.

That should work. Looks like brass ends so it shouldn’t jack up your sights. I’ve seen ones for pistols that look like a small clamp with a screw that pushes the sight. Not sure if you would be looking for something like that.
Brinky - ya - used one of those quite a bit to help officers get their Glock pistols shooting to the point of aim.

Seems to me that the one we had cost about $100, but dang it was a nicely made tool and worked well.

Yep. That’s likely the same animal. I used one for my Glock when we were issued them a few years back. Funny thing, I never liked the Glock until I was forced to carry one. Then after a while it grew on me. It’s like a good hammer, not pretty by any means but you can’t beat it for hammering the shit out of something. Or, as my partner would say “ it’s no barbecue gun,that’s for sure.” Still not sold on a 9mm though. I don’t care what you feed it, it’s still a piss poor compromise.