sighting in your rifle


Dec 2, 2007
I know this has probably been asked a thousand times already but How do you sight in your rifle? From the cold bore shot or afteer a couple shots have been throught the barrel. I always thought that you would sight in your rifle from the first shot out of the barrel, because you are not going to want to shoot a cou[le rounds out of your barrel to warm it up then hit an elk or deer, you want the first shot to be the best shot. But I have heard sighting in your rfle both ways. What is your thoughts? thank you.
You have a point however if the rifle groups well then indeed one of the shots could be from a cold barrel.

I use a three shot group.
From my personal experience, my rifle seems to like a dirty barrel. I get my best groups about 3-4 shots in. I'm able to shoot at my deer camp so I just put 3-4 rounds through it when I get there and hunt with it after that.
I sight in with a cold barrel.
When I am at the range preparing for the hunting season I let the barrel cool completely between shots. I shoot at least three rounds and then move the group to sight in.
a couple of foulers are warranted.......for me!
In my experience fouling make a bigger difference then warm vs cold. I have several rifles where I can shoot under 1/2" groups from a cold bore, so long as its a cold fouled bore.
with some rifles this can be an issue. first shot after being cleaned my 7mm rem mag puts one 4" high 2" right. then the next 2 will be touching at 2 3/4" high dead center. i hunt with it after i check zero only running a dry bore snake through the bore. no oil. i then assume it will shoot to my sight in point.
3 shot group(s) fired from a cold barrel after 3+ fouling rounds from a clean barrel.
