Small Town


Dec 13, 2013
Love my town;
26 kids graduated from High School.
23 “graduated Jr. High, *8th grade” one of those our Grand daughter.
We celebrate Memorial Day quietly. IT’s hard on Catherine. She was in Afganistan 2012-14. Made a decision to send a guy who was “short” on a mission. He didn’t make it.
My neighbor gets it.


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I grieve for Catherine. Those choices weigh on those who must send others into harm's way, without a doubt. No Memorial Day in Canada, and it is hard on my wife not being able to be home to visit the graves of our families. We do phone and speak with some of our relatives who do visit the graves.
I’ll be saying a prayer for Catherine if you don’t mind.

Heck, even if you do mind, I’m gonna do it anyway. 🙂 My best to you both and your neighbor seems like cool dude.

I graduated 264 out of 268. They let a lot of us out of reform school that year.

This reminds me of John Mellencamp's song "Small Town" I too live in a small town, on the same street my whole life. Veterans memorial wall on the courthouse lawn with names listed who didn't come back. One being my mom's younger brother. We have one stop light. I like it here. Dan.
Same. All we had was a caution light that was amber in two directions, red in two. Had to leave town to go to middle and high school - combined less than 350 students. That town had a couple of stoplights, though ;). Great place to grow up, but a terrible place to live - lest my nostalgia should blind me to history.

I can say that it isn't Catherine's fault; it is the nature of things. And, while true, I know that doesn't really help. I don't think in this life that there is anything we can say or do to "make it better" but we can at least stand together and share the burden.