Son' Birthday Rifle - Vanguard S2 243


Jan 14, 2008
We split the cost of a new rifle for his 20th Birthday. He wanted a 243. He has a Savage 16 in a 300WSM so a 243 would be a good addition. He wanted another Savage but after the shooting performance and handling of a Vanguard S2 stainless in 223 I bought this year he decided on the Hog Reaper camo pattern..(kids..). I'm mounting the scope today and after he gets off work we'll get it sighted in. I need to chrono and ck a load for my 243 also.

Like I said I'm impressed with the Vanguard S2 line. If I wasn't sticking to Sakos for my hunting guns, I would have the S2 line near the top of my list. I only shot 4 now and they all have been easy to load for and shot great groups. Can't argue with results. My Sakos weren't quite that easy to get shooting. They needed 100-200 shots thru barrel to settle down.

My son is excited and I can see a few hours at the reloading bench trying to keep up.
Great rifle. Weatherby is doing it right with the Vanguards. One of the 240's or a 257 wouldn't be hard to take at all. All I've shot were great rifles.
Teknys the S2 line has been a big hit for what ya get as the new stock is better than the older Tupperware stocks and going with the 243 is a wise choice and I am sure you can get it shooting small clover leafs really fast! Congrats on the new rifle and hope he enjoys it as I think a 240 would look good in my cabinet maybe soon? :lol:

Mr Roy's Great Grandson likes his 240 Vanguard Deluxe and recently took this deer in California with his Dad Adam Weatherby ! The 4 th Generation has now started with his first kill ! This is some good stuff !
Just picked up my 2nd S2. This one in the 243. Easy to load for with a wide variety of powders and bullet weights.
Mine prints 5 shot groups under .75" all day long. He'll enjoy it!
All this vanguard talk.....I was looking at a V2 in 257 bee. For some reason it is calling me. Just bought dies because I saw them for sale and fore shadowing the future ?

Someday soon....will need to try one myself
The people that I know that shoot the vanguard S2 are extremely happy with them. One young guy shoots the 257 bee and since the first season he has got rid of the rest of rifles and is just a 1 rifle man :shock:!
I not sure I could ever be that sold on one rifle 8)!

Enablers......swinging through Bend next week. SPS has 257 bee brass in the seconds and 100 gr BT bullets. Ordered them and will pick up Tuesday.

Local FFL has V2 in 257 blued for $526 out the door.

My birthday is coming up. Buying ones own gift is always the best.