Special Hunt Applications

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
It's that time of year again. You guys applying for any special hunts?

Here in Washington we've got deer (blacktail, mule deer & whitetail), elk, and black bear as "over the counter" tags. No problem, buy one at a reasonable fee, and get the tag. Small game too.

But... If I want a better chance at success on elk or deer, or if I want to try for one of the "once in a lifetime" tags, like mountain goat, bighorn sheep, or moose... A special application is required. I just bought mine today sigh... Odds are strong that I'll draw nothing again this year. But I'll make the most of our over-the-counter tags.

Am of course applying for bull and cow moose, bighorn ram & ewe, and mountain goat. I don't expect to be drawn for any of them, but I'll apply anyway. Maybe I'll draw one of those tags before I'm 70? Who knows?

Now I might, maybe, draw a doe tag, or a second deer tag, or even a cow elk tag. But it's unlikely.

The odds are steep.

I'm quite prepared to hunt just the general seasons for elk, deer and bear, once again. I plan on hunting archery elk, and modern firearms for mule deer & black bear here in Washington.

Oh - also applying to Wyoming for mule deer & pronghorn tags. I try to hunt Wyoming every other year or so.

What are you trying for?

Regards, Guy
Our little group is waiting for the Wyoming elk draw, I already have another preference point in Arizona and Nevada, and will be applying in Oregon and Idaho for a Spike tag and cow tag respectively. I have lots of points in Washington, and can probably draw but the hunts conflict with those in other states. My best hunting success has been in Wyoming and Oregon.
We got our results back on our special mule deer buck and bull elk areas. Nothing for me there.

Year number 42 in a row for moose and sheep without being drawn but maybe this year!! Those will be drawn in the not to distant future. Mountain goat will be drawn then also. I also have applied for a bison tag every year they have had those and nothing yet on that front either.

I have my sportsmans' license which gives you fishing, upland birds, deer whitetail or mule deer, elk, and bear. I also buy a turkey tag too. My area I like to put in for antelope has had poor numbers for several years now. The F&G need to just close it in some locations to give the poor buggers a chance to come back.

On a brighter note, when some of the other crowd asks you just how exactly is hunting/fishing conservation you can throw these numbers at them.

Excise Taxes that we sportsman placed on our hunting and fishing gear to be used to ensure the survival of Fish & Game agency's and contribute to ensuring our wildlife and other animals thrive and prosper.

$22 billion dollars generated since 1937 for state fish and wildlife agencies.

$1 billion+ dollars of revenue per year since 2014

Hunting & Fishing Licenses
$1.5 billion+ generated in 2015

$686 million in fishing licenses. $821 million in hunting licenses
Since I drew elk last year I can't draw this year so I'll put in for sheep here in ID along with a unlimited deer draw in the Frank Church and a extra cow tag. I'm waiting on results from UT with no real hope of drawing anything but general muzzleloader deer. I'll put in for cow elk in UT and WY.

A group of buddies and I are in for the Olympic NP goat cull as well. Apparently there are 200 groups that applied for 18 spots. My buddy and I also drew AK muzzleloader moose tags.
Did the goat application as well for Olympic National park. Not holding my breath for this. Quality bull have 19 points with very little chance of being “ selected”. May just heck with it and buy a beef.
we have to get a hunting license to hunt Elk and Wood Bison now, but we can still hunt game birds with a sling shot so it all balances out
I've put in for Moose, Goat and Sheep. and also have my over the counter deer elk and upland.
I put my daughters in for the same Moose, Goat and Sheep. And the 2 of them are in as a party hunt for antelope, we will see how lucky they get before deer and elk season.

1100 Remington Man":blocbxes said:
I backed off my plans because of the Virus and will some seasons be canceled ?
Here in Montana I believe they canceled the nonresident spring bear and turkey, but it is still open for residents.
I applied for New Mexico Elk and Mule Deer. Drew a Mule deer tag so we'll be off to New Mexico in November. Application for Texas public lands isn't until the summer. I'll put in for Antelope, Aoudad, Big Horn Sheep, Mule Deer, and several Whitetail Hunts. Almost forgot the Oryx, Gemsbok and Scimitar. I'm pretty sure the odds of hitting the Big Horn Tag are greater than the power ball.
Ya Bruce - there's a LOT of demand for the bighorn tags here as well. I'll likely never draw the tag, but I surely do enjoy getting out and watching those rams.


Hoping to draw something that will be fun and interesting, and give me a chance to put more meat in the freezer.

But I have to admit, the "over the counter" bear, elk & deer tags aren't all bad. I've taken quite a few deer during the regular season.

My wife drew a bear tag after 6 years. I plan on apply for whitetail in the Black Hills and mule deer in Nebraska. If I draw and fill them, it will be a great fall.
wisconsinteacher":2vss181l said:
My wife drew a bear tag after 6 years. I plan on apply for whitetail in the Black Hills and mule deer in Nebraska. If I draw and fill them, it will be a great fall.

That's great that your wife drew her bear tag! (y)

Best of luck this season.

Ya, we have 3-4 places to set bait stations starting next month. She plans on using her bow for the hunt. I hope it works out for her.
How did everyone do in the draws?

I drew a muzzleloader deer tag in UT, a muzzleloader moose tag in AK, plus the unlimited deer tag I was guaranteed to draw here in ID. Not a great year for me but I did get a returned non-resident elk tag here in ID so it's not as bad as it first appeared. I'll try to get a non-resident deer tag too if any get returned in the next couple months and I can snag one. I am in on the second chance draw for extra elk here as well as the Super Hunt drawings that are a snowballs chance in you know where to draw.
A drew... nothing! :)

Well, nothing in Washington State. I'll just hunt with over-the-counter tags here, no problem. My youngest son did draw a Second Deer tag.

And happily I got the Wyoming mule deer & antelope tags again. Love that hunt.

sako2":3ekpciso said:
Guy it must be pretty awesome to see them bighorns.

Yes, I am very fortunate to live within easy reach of three different herds of bighorns at Chelan Butte, Entiat-Swakane, and in the Quilomene. I can drive to any of those areas in less than an hour, sometimes I can find bighorns within 15 - 20 minutes of leaving the house. You're right, it is pretty awesome. Frankly they're easier to find than mule deer bucks. :grin:



Dr. Vette":1enq9826 said:
When are you heading to WY, Guy?

October again. It's worked well for me in the past, for deer and antelope.
