Sportsman's Act of 2014

6mm Remington

Ammo Smith
Feb 27, 2006
I too am just passing this on. I saw this on the Eastman's Journal forum and had to look up the Sportsman Act for myself. Just passing it forward. Knowledge is strength!!
David ... -bill/1335

Sportsmanship Act of 2014

Sportsman's Act of 2014
The Sportsman's Act of 2014 is being considered by Congress, and the HSUS is rallying their membership to oppose it. I’m posting this and hoping people will call Boxer and Feinstein to let them know we support the Sportsman's Act.

I realize that calls for support may fall on deaf ears, but I feel it’s important to push back anyway and let elected officials know where hunters stand.

Sen. Barbara Boxer (510) 286-8537

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (415) 393-0707

Link to S. 1996 (Sportsman’s Act):

HSUS is highly organized, well financed, and has influence in the political process. I’m teaching my kids that part of being a hunter in today’s world includes learning how to push back. The Antis will never stop coming, and we need to continue to push back.

This was a post on another site by Scott McMorrow, I'm just the messenger. We need to be more organized going forward. With that said, make some calls and send some emails. Please
I got this when trying to bring up the bill. "No results match your search criteria."

Paul B.