Stainless media tumbler test Part 2!


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
Thought I would post again with more pictures and a video!

Here are before the cleaning of super nasty 380 and 32 ACP brass.


Anna and I put them all in the tumbler with the stainless media and the soap and water.

Here is a video of the tumbler to give you an idea. The noise in actuality is way less than what it sounds in the video. The enclosed space makes it sound louder. ... 6.mp4.html
Pretty nice Fotis. It really makes the brass look new. Noise isn't bad at all.

This is the stainless media


Here is the brass after 2 hours

Yup They sure are Jim. Stephan wants to go to the range and pick up old corroded looking stuff to see if they will clean up. :mrgreen:
Watch the top cover. If the paint on the edges chip off, the water gets under the paint and gets rusty and starts bubbling.
russ808":19jbu3nx said:
Watch the top cover. If the paint on the edges chip off, the water gets under the paint and gets rusty and starts bubbling.

Good to know. Thanks!
Have you tried bottle neck cases yet?
Does the media fall out better then walnut or corn cob?
Should be a be plus it won't get stuck in the flash hole.
velvetant":15xiwvms said:
Have you tried bottle neck cases yet?
Does the media fall out better then walnut or corn cob?
Should be a be plus it won't get stuck in the flash hole.

Check out

They have some walnut media that falls right through the flash holes. Good stuff.
I note that you still have the primers in your cases. I always deprime first because I want those primer pockets clean.

I have noticed that Winchester rifle cases (223, 25-06, 270, 30-06 so far) will get 2 pieces of media stuck in the flash holes on a regular basis. No other brand of brass does this with the same regularity. Deburring the flash hole will decrease this to some degree but definitely does not eliminate it.

25 caliber cases, 25-06 > 257 Wby, will have the media get stuck crossways in the neck.

Shaking the cases out under water lets the media slip out easily - unless it's stuck crossways in a 25 caliber case.

Those are some of my observations so far.

velvetant":27r9sqvx said:
Have you tried bottle neck cases yet?
Does the media fall out better then walnut or corn cob?
Should be a be plus it won't get stuck in the flash hole.

Yup I have tried them all. Steel media does not get stuck at all
Dr. Vette":2gct6aug said:
I note that you still have the primers in your cases. I always deprime first because I want those primer pockets clean.


Patrick These were so nasty (range brass) that I did not want to jack up the inside of my dies.
Besides for 32 acp or 380 acp i really do not mind a little dirt in the primer pocket.
I have the same set up old Thumblers rock tumbler and have had the pin media for a while and I think i will pull it out and see for myself how good it is because I like the tumbler a lot and I have lemushine and dish soap all I need is to get r done!! I hate digging brass outta corn cob about as much as watching Rachel Madcow on TV which will not happen for sure :)
So I have dabbled with this a little. I went to Harbor Freight and bought a $40 6lb tumbler just for a trial run. A buddy and I split a 5lb order of media. It seems to work very well. Only piece of advice that I can give, Spend the money on a big tumbler. By the time you add water, media and brass I can only do about 50 pc of 375R brass at once. The wife even caught me drying my brass out in the oven the other day, it went surprisingly well :shock:

I'll be looking to upgrade to the same style of tumbler that Fotis has shown in his pic.
Two table spoons of Dawn, 1/4 tea spoon of Lemi-shine. Or around them there parts.
I used some generic dish soap and didn't have any Lemi-shine. I was pretty impressed. I think that the Lemi-shine would make it that much better. They came out pretty dang clean, but the primer pockets were not clean. I think two things caused this. The first being not having enough media per container. I think all my media got inside the cases and I didn't have enough left outside to really get every little nook and cranny. The second thing was that I didn't have any Lemi-shine. I'll add some next time and see how much difference it makes. All in all I'm very happy with it.

I'll keep an eye out for components to upgrade my system with throughout the summer.