Steiner 7x30 binoculars


Ammo Smith
Mar 1, 2007
My old set of Bushnell's have been limping along so new binoculars were needed. My wife insisted that I get a new pair but I didn't want to spend the money but they were really needed, since it was my birthday we went ahead and ordered them. I had a pair of Steiner's before the Bushnell's till they fell out of my pack and were lost :( I have been missing them ever since, can't believe more people don't use Individual Focus binoculars more they are really nice once set up.

We scoured for the best deal and found these Commander 7x30's on a great sale since they look like that model has been dropped in favor of a version with a compass. Even though they are classified as a marine binocular they obviously can be used for hunting. They are waterproof to 33 feet and are built to a tougher standard than some of the lower priced models.

We got them here and been looking through them for a few days and they are really nice. Lightweight and well thought out, glass is pretty good on them too. In time I'll have to do a review on them after some seasons under the belt. So far they are impressive.

I've always heard great things about the Steiner glass, Gerry. What do you look at 33 feet beneath the surface? :shock:
Better that way than looking 33 feet up :lol:

These are lightweight compact binoculars so the trade off will be they won't be as bright late at night but we can only afford to get one new pair right now, later on we can add something like a 7x50 or similar. That said they won't be useless in low light either.
Very nice gerry, my cousin and his boy have Steiner scopes and they are very clear. Dan (cousin) also has a older pair of Steiner Binoculars and the few times that I have looked through them I was very impressed.
Glad you were able to pick them up it is never a waste to spend a little extra and get quality glass>
PS. DrMike for deep diving Moose :lol:!

DrMike":1837k3uv said:
I've always heard great things about the Steiner glass, Gerry. What do you look at 33 feet beneath the surface? :shock:

Feeding Orca's? Just teasing, nice binocs!
Maria has taught me how to be a better shopper so we searched to find the best deal on a good set. Getting a discontinued pair can be a really great way to get quality for a good price.
I have been buying discontinued optics for years. It works for me to get German/Austrian optics at a discount? Could not afford them otherwise?
Yep, that is why I jumped on the left hand CDL 270 Win in January, that model was discontinued and they were on a good sale. Had been wanting one of those for quite a while but put it off. Buying a used Leupold scope is my another thing I like to do sometimes you can get great deals on them and their warranty gives peace of mind when buying used.
Yes, the only Bushnell product that I have left in my equipment is a set of Excursions binoculars. I picked them up when they were discontinued and I saved almost 1/2.
I use my Leica range finder most of the time :wink:!
