Still Think This Is A Free Country ?


Jan 21, 2022
Here we go boys and girls.
The IRS is out to kill Americans so they can steal our money.
And people wonder why I don’t support this country in it’s current form. 87,000 new professional thieves and murderers being hired under President Brandon.

They would have served better at schools or on the border. Not IRS
The government doesn’t want them in schools because they can’t beat little kids up for their lunch money and get good PR.

It’s all about enslavement and taxation. Most will bow and lick the hand that enslaves them.
Yep. My wife took a screenshot of that hiring requirement the moment it came out last week before it disappeared. We've since printed it out and have it on our refrigerator as a reminder of what we are dealing with.

There's a lot of educated populace and voters out there today, and with no thanks to the mainstream media. Eyes wide open we are. A lot of chess pieces are moving into place on both sides. America's last stand on what it was birthed as, is coming. Which side it lands on will determine its future. No more middle ground.
I’m sure my flying a Gadsden Flag has me on some government list. I’m afraid to even try to fly.

All I want is a Constitutional government with my rights protected. Far too many constitutional violations by the legislative, judicial, and executive branches for me to trust.

I feel that at this point we must be prepared to draw a line in the sand and let all those who would attempt to take our freedoms know that we are willing to use lethal force to protect ourselves. We need to start making a movement with like minded people. No more sugar coating, if the government is making us fear for our lives, we must make them fear for theirs. Not in a wild and uncontrolled fashion, no, it must be measured, but absolute. We must draw the line, and warn them that they cannot pass, then their decision will be on their own head.
Looking at that from an ocean away: does it mean both sides?
I rely on press (FAKE NEWS!!!), but there might be some off stuff on both sides.
Are you really going for a civil war again?
And what is the goal?
It may or may not become a civil war, it is hard to tell, but in my opinion, that would be far better than surrendering to tyranny. I don't know that we have the numbers to actually make corrupt government take notice, and if we do, whether or not they will try to fight us, but we are going to find out. If a civil war were necessary, I don't think there will be less death by not fighting, all the death will just be engineered by government instead.

My hope is that we have the numbers and strength to demonstrate we are free and will not give into slavery, and the government will not cross that line, and we will continue to have peace. This is why we bare arms proudly in America, that by baring them the government will see and know that we cannot be overthrown by force, and therefore they will not attempt to overthrow a government that is by the people. Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum: If you wish for peace prepare for war.
As far as the goal, to me we are to be free to make our own decisions, about religion, health, and money, and that we be free to bear weapons to defend ourselves from any foreign or domestic threat, including and in fact especially our own corrupt government.

I cannot give an overall good view of everything going on, in my mind I simply see injustice, but there are many moving parts that are not easy to account for, but I do know that our current path leads us down the road of following the same type of leaders as Adolf Hitler. I will not follow that path. Now I should probably be silent, perhaps I should have been in the first place, but I'm a patriot after the patriots of old, and I just don't know what else to say anymore. Were under attack from the inside, but most are willing to drown in the corruption at any cost.

Any other American here, feel free to correct me if what I have said seems wrong to you.
I feel I've let my emotions get the better of me. This probably is not the place for these kinds of statements as they do little good and are fairly lacking context of the bigger picture.
Dude - I am thousands of miles away and don't feel able to judge.
But let me tell you that reading that about world's most powerful army with tons of nuclear heads doesn't make us calm down.
I still can't grab all of your election processes.
From my point of view, 50,1 % nation-wide should be the majority.
Your system is different.
In many cases, I am the minority over here, too
Most people in the big cities don't go hunting.
So I am aware that as a gun-owner, I am a minority here.
Hope they let us go on. I am too young for golf...
As far as the goal, to me we are to be free to make our own decisions, about religion, health, and money, and that we be free to bear weapons to defend ourselves from any foreign or domestic threat, including and in fact especially our own corrupt government.

I cannot give an overall good view of everything going on, in my mind I simply see injustice, but there are many moving parts that are not easy to account for, but I do know that our current path leads us down the road of following the same type of leaders as Adolf Hitler. I will not follow that path. Now I should probably be silent, perhaps I should have been in the first place, but I'm a patriot after the patriots of old, and I just don't know what else to say anymore. Were under attack from the inside, but most are willing to drown in the corruption at any cost.

Any other American here, feel free to correct me if what I have said seems wrong to you.
These are unsettling times, and the attitude displayed by opposing tribes do little to make any of us feel at ease. That we now have a two-tiered justice system is no longer in doubt. That a significant number of those who are of the liberal persuasion are prepared to inflict punishment on those who dissent from their view is increasingly obvious. In such unsettled times, it will require incredible force of will for patriots to stand firm without agitating for a quid pro quo response to provocation. It will require great courage for the honourable citizen to refuse to give in to fear, knowing that if force is required, such will be employed with great sorrow. I am of the persuasion that those who are followers of the Christ are responsible to pray for those in authority, even when they don't appear worthy of our prayers. I believe there is a God who oversees the times, permitting only that which the people bring upon themselves. It seems enough for patriots to simply say that we will not permit ourselves to be enslaved without making threats.
I wish I'd saved the article. Anyway, the gist of the article was the American Communist Party sued the Democrat party for stealing their platform. That didn't come from the MSM but from some small news group. I tried to follow up on it but it quietly disappeared. This was maybe 5 or 6 years ago that I read this. I wonder if they just quietly joined forces as they have the same goal. Funny (peculiar, not ha ha) thing is I recall it being called the Democrat party way back when, not the DemocratIC partly. How many times have you seen democratIC as part of some organization's name and that group was known to be communist.?
THe Dems have been in bed with the commies for way longer than you might think. I recommend two books, A Spy Among Friends and The Forgotten 500. Both are very good reads.

In "Spy" he tells how the commies infiltrated Britains MI5, MI6 and our own OSS which later became the CIA. I "500" it tells of two groups fighting as partisans, one led bt Tito and I'd have to go look up the other man's name. Point is we, the US gave Tito arms and ammo to fight the Germans. The other fellow fought as well but we refused to help him. He was pro USA and Tito was not. The other fellow use his organization to round up downed US fliers, mainly B17 crews whose planes were badly shot up and they have to bail out. The other fellow got over 500 Americans together and some arranged to get plane to come in and rescue all 500 airmen.

I firmly believe that the Democrat party no longer exists and is the Communist party using the Democrat's name. Call me crazy. I don't care. I see the signs. they're there if you look.
Paul. B.
I have to say that my views are conflicted in today's world. I believe in the methods we used to gain independence from England, and I do not see how the passage of time could change the necessity of those methods. However, I feel we don't have the numbers to support that way of thinking any longer.

The only thing I can be confident of is God is with those who call on his name. I will call on Him today, and tomorrow, and every day from now. If it is America's time to die, I will trust Him. He said the day would come. I will need His strength to keep trusting. My country is dear to me, but I have to remember that my home is somewhere far greater.

Thanks for your reply Dr. Mike, I am often at war with what I wish to say because I rarely hear honesty, and what is actually wise or right to say. I will endeavor to speak more carefully.
I have to say that my views are conflicted in today's world. I believe in the methods we used to gain independence from England, and I do not see how the passage of time could change the necessity of those methods. However, I feel we don't have the numbers to support that way of thinking any longer.

The only thing I can be confident of is God is with those who call on his name. I will call on Him today, and tomorrow, and every day from now. If it is America's time to die, I will trust Him. He said the day would come. I will need His strength to keep trusting. My country is dear to me, but I have to remember that my home is somewhere far greater.

Thanks for your reply Dr. Mike, I am often at war with what I wish to say because I rarely hear honesty, and what is actually wise or right to say. I will endeavor to speak more carefully.
I will remind you that minorities, not majorities, write history. The patriots were never in a majority during the battle for freedom from the tyranny of the King of England. The majority of those living in the new world were consumed with carving a home out of the wilderness or focused on preserving what they had managed to accumulate. However, the few that were prepared to stand against tyranny were willing to pledge to each other their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honour. They took this step with "a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence." I would never anticipate that the majority of people in our day are prepared to hazard their lives, much less their fortunes. And I fear that too many have at best a vague concept of sacred honour. While I know that many have taken a pledge to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, it is difficult to accept that many in government today (whether federal, or state, or civic government) are even aware that the United States has a Constitution, if adherence to constitutional principles is any indication. Tragically, many who speak of their willingness to stand for the Constitution talk boldly, but they appear focused on self-interests rather than on the welfare of the nation.
I will remind you that minorities, not majorities, write history. The patriots were never in a majority during the battle for freedom from the tyranny of the King of England. The majority of those living in the new world were consumed with carving a home out of the wilderness or focused on preserving what they had managed to accumulate. However, the few that were prepared to stand against tyranny were willing to pledge to each other their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honour. They took this step with "a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence." I would never anticipate that the majority of people in our day are prepared to hazard their lives, much less their fortunes. And I fear that too many have at best a vague concept of sacred honour. While I know that many have taken a pledge to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, it is difficult to accept that many in government today (whether federal, or state, or civic government) are even aware that the United States has a Constitution, if adherence to constitutional principles is any indication. Tragically, many who speak of their willingness to stand for the Constitution talk boldly, but they appear focused on self-interests rather than on the welfare of the nation.
I agree. Pretty obvious that few have read or know much about our Constitution as they keep referring to our country as a Democracy when it is a Republic. I put no trust in politicians or their Partys only the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Dan.
I agree. Pretty obvious that few have read or know much about our Constitution as they keep referring to our country as a Democracy when it is a Republic. I put no trust in politicians or their Partys only the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Dan.

I agree Dan, God is the one to trust. However, I believe he has before, and is now, putting people in place to combat and beat back the evil we are facing. And there's nothing else to call some of it but pure evil. If that is true, then it is incumbent on us to identify the ones fighting the good fight and stand behind them and with them full force.