Stocking up..........Don't have to


May 12, 2009
I had saved up about 1500$ to put towards components if the election had gone the way it was looking. Now I don't have to! With a Republican Congress and President I think I might just buy another rifle!

My S&W stock and Strum Ruger stock plummeted today. I'll hold onto it, nevertheless.
Yep, good news for the firearms afflicted. :lol: :lol:

And Scott, you need a new rifle. :grin:
I wouldn't be concerned...hell, it's been 8yes since the Democratic took office and I'm still waiting on them to come take my guns like everyone claimed they would...hell the gun laws in my state got better, permits got easier and I got my gun the day I picked it out and paid... no 3day or longer wait...

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norman_brown":3ksautvo said:
I wouldn't be concerned...hell, it's been 8yes since the Democratic took office and I'm still waiting on them to come take my guns like everyone claimed they would...hell the gun laws in my state got better, permits got easier and I got my gun the day I picked it out and paid... no 3day or longer wait...

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I heard a similar statement from one of my liberal coworkers last week. As if the fact that it didn't happen, excuses the reality that an assault weapons ban is EXACTLY what they were pushing for after Sandy Hook! Do not forget that is was looking pretty touch and go there for a while and I fully expect Dems to pick the issue up again as soon as they regain some power.
norman_brown":s4mfpsv1 said:
I wouldn't be concerned...hell, it's been 8yes since the Democratic took office and I'm still waiting on them to come take my guns like everyone claimed they would...hell the gun laws in my state got better, permits got easier and I got my gun the day I picked it out and paid... no 3day or longer wait...

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I've lost more freedom and now can have my guns taken because somebody "thinks" I could be a danger. No probable cause, no burden of proof required, no due process. It is up to me to prove that I am not in order to get my rights restored and my firearms back. Bloomberg is still financing gun grabbing legislation at the state level.
Fast & Furious was all about linking gun deaths in Mexico to American guns. Not to beat a dead horse but, the scam was revealed when gun shops in the U.S.A. got upset that they were "told" to make the sales when the background check did not approve. When Scalia passed it would have been a shoe in for the fall of the 2nd amendment if Killery had been elected. We are so lucky the election turned out as it did because with a stacked court it would have happened.