Storing rifles


Dec 24, 2006
Just a quick question. I just got done deep cleaning a bunch of rifles, and thought, instead of putting the rifles back into the safe butt stock down, why not set them on the muzzle end. I have a thick foam/neoprene base to the safe, so I don't imagine the crowns will get hurt/touched/dinged at all, and I would think this would allow any excess lube, solvent whatever to drain off the rifle, instead of setting in the bolt/action/chamber/stock. Just wondering, I think it makes sense? What are your thoughts on it. Scotty
I do the very same thing. I also open the bolt/lever just in-case of trapping any moister.
Good deal, at least there is two of us. I think it makes sense overall. I try to keep the bolts open, the ones that will stay open. Thanks for the response OWENV. Was hoping I wasn't crazy for thinking that. Scotty
Especially with a soft floor lining, I can't imagine that setting rifles in the safe with the muzzle down will hurt. However, I run two dry patches through the bore after cleaning and swab the chamber with a chamber mop. Then, I inspect the exterior for any residue and wipe the metal with an Ultra-Lube Gun Wipe. Before placing my rifles in the safe, I sock each up in a gun sock to avoid nicks and bangs. I get enough souvenirs in the field without trying for them in a crowded safe.
I don't see why you couldn't store them muzzle down.

I make sure my guns are clean and lightly oiled inside and out and keep them in a Liberty safe. I also have a Golden Rod in the safe to eliminate moisture.
It seems to work as I have never had a problem.

That makes alot of sense, and I do the same thing, meaning I run a lightly oiled patch and wipe them down very well. The individual gun sock is a great idea, as my safe is a little crowded also. I run a dehumidifier 24-7 in my gun area, so I don't think I have a moisture problem, and no rust after sitting at all. I was just thinking it couldn't hurt. Plus, it actually helps keep the guns a little more packed in the safe I think. Scotty
Fortunately, as dry as it is here, I've gotten away without a dehumidifier. Now, when we lived in New York, Houston and San Francisco, that was another story.
If you alternate gun muzzle up and down you can get more rifles into less space than if all are up or down.
That is exactly what I did. I put shotguns butt down and rifles muzzle down. Now I have a little more room in my safe, and that is never a bad thing! Scotty