

May 15, 2009
Been gone from here for awhile. With a new job and baby I barely have time to fart! But the good news is I drew my Oregon buck, elk (2nd season hair tag) and antelope tags, so I'll be a busy boy this fall!
Wow that a busy fall and hopefully a full freezer. I've got a buck tag and now 13 points for antelope :?
Congratulations, shoots_5; you did very well, indeed. Congratulations on the new baby in the house (tends to make us busy, it is true). You will be plenty busy this fall.
Man, you hit the jack pot! Congratulations on your tags.

Thanks. I'm more than a little excited. The antelope tag was a surprise. Had enough points I figured I should draw the rest. Now if only I could find some 129 ABLR's for my 260....not that the 140 amax I'm currently shooting won't work but I'd rather use a nosler for a memorable hunt!