Tennessee Buck falls to the 35 Whelen



I shot a nice Buck this morning, the Whelen spoke, it was a Bang Flop. No Blood Trail! :mrgreen:

Very Awesome Don! Never had a doubt on it! When the Whelen speaks, stuff starts happening! Or stops actually! Hahahhahahaha
When I shot this Buck he went straight up vertical on hind feet and fell over backwards in a pile
followed by one twitch then dead. Never experienced anything like it, so cool.

I waited till daylight to see what would be around or moving, nothing but squirrels as usual.
Called with the Bleat Call, followed by the Grunt Call at 6:20 am, had just looked at my watch and noted it was almost 6:40 am, minute later I hear this Buck Grunt 4 times. He was slowly working his way to me in some Brush. I got two quick looks at him and his rack appeared to have nice points with stickers. Walking up to him made me realize the brush plays funny things with the eyes.
This Buck is only a 4-point with an outside spread of 16". What makes him unique is he is a 3.5 yr old Buck, has a heavy Main Frame, bases are 3.7" in circ. with an 18.5" Beams, Field Dressed 150 lbs. Our Tennessee Wildlife Officer at the check Station said he has never seen a 4-pointer like that one. He is somewhat of a Freak. The other cool thing about this Buck is I have 3-pics of him on my Trail Cam over the past 2-months. I never realized it was this Buck.

As for the Whelen, this 225 AB is quite a bullet on Whitetail Deer, they just don't run off after the shot. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I will do my best to put up some pics in next couple of days.

Great story Don.. Yeah, that is pretty typical of the Whelen and it is stories like yours that made me buy one a few years back. Haven't regretted it a bit!
Congrats, he sounds like a nice deer, looking forward to seeing the pictures. That's a great load you have there Don, the 225 gr AB is an excellent bullet.
Thanks, I have no reason to change the load. It will be going with me to Colorado next year.

Yup I can relate. ;)
Congratulations on your buck.

Hey Don, that is cool man, happy for your and I know Scotty thought your choice of caliber was perfect. :mrgreen:
There's just something about the 35 Caliber that always been appealing to me, when shot placement is good they just don't walk away, no chasing and no blood trail. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Don congratulations on getting that buck.
The 35 Whelen is one of the finest all around caliber that I know of :mrgreen:
This is likely the last year for my 270win as now I am going to be playing with my RMR with both the 225gr. & the 200gr. AccuBond bullet.
I have the 225gr. in line now for the 200gr. :)

Congrats on the buck, Don! Hope you get his older brother later this season. We're blessed with long seasons that last well after others have shut down hunting for the year. Enjoy!