Tennessee Rifle Deer opens Saturday


Dec 3, 2013
Well, the Tree stands are all ready. The 35 Whelen and 30-06 were given the final check and are ready to go. I have a couple nice bucks on the Cams that are in the 18" spread range. Lots of deer movement detected.

Anxious to take my Daughter hunting again. Have to get all the hunting clothes in order then start thinking about the food now to take.

The freezer is empty, time to restock it with fresh venison. :mrgreen:

Best of luck, both of you. I've never been to Tennessee, looking forward to your report so that I might learn a little.
We're all pulling for you, Don. Here's to every success for you and your daughter.
Good luck to you and your daughter. Hope you two take a pair of great bucks.
Thanks, I'm giving my daughter every opportunity that arrives to get a buck. For me, I'm gunning for some Doe to fill the freezer, unless a monster shows up and she can't get the shot! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: We nick named my 30-06 Thunder and her 35 Whelen Lightning :lol: For those of us that own Whelen's, we all know how it puts them down :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Don, good luck to you and your daughter! Looking forward to seeing pics! Even if you "only" shoot a doe, that's meat for the freezer and still a trophy in my mind!

Kinda would like a gander at the '49 .30-06 you're always telling us about too!

Good luck my friend!

Rifle season opens for us on Saturday too, in Oklahoma.

Saturday doesn't look too good weather wise, a front coming and sustained 20-30 mph winds.
Sunday looks good though.
We've been bow hunting for the last 6 weeks (when the wind Gods would cooperate) and know that the rut should be going strong. Saw two different bucks scent checking does this last Sunday.

I'm off all week next week, plan on spending at least 6 days hunting.

Good luck Don.
Hope your daughter gets a crack at a monster !
Sounds like its Whack 'em, Stack 'em time down south.

Looking forward to some buck pics.

All the best,
Thanks you guys. Yes the South does have some good Deer hunting here.

HT Duck, good luck my friend send us a few pics then. Weather here for Saturday is rain in afternoon 10-15 mph wind. Sunday and Monday clear.

Yes a Doe is a Trophy to me as well. I'll be sure to include the 30-06 in the pic when I submit one
for you! :lol:

work has slowed for me so it allowed me to get all the hunting gear ready, guns etc for Saturday.
I'm ready to go now, can't wait.

Update on the Tennessee Deer opener,

We had winds 15-20 mph all day then rain showers in the afternoon, didn't see anything in the morning, not even squirrels or song birds etc. With an hour of legal shooting time to go we had a little button buck come into our stand to feed. I'm not hunting today as it's still windy. Hopefull to get out tomorrow again. Overall had a great day with my daughter as she hung in there like a trooper sticking it out.

Monday evening I killed a 9-pointer with the 35 Whelen. Had an incredible day sighting 5-buck and 4-doe. Had 2 really nice buck close but no shot opportunity. Bucks were on the move due to rut in full swing here.

This buck was chasing doe into my area with 15-minutes of legal shooting time to go and stood behind two large trees and just grunting for 10-minutes watching the doe feed 60 yards from him.

My arms were getting tired waiting on him. Finally he stepped out and I sent a 225 Partition to greet him and what a greeting it was. :mrgreen: He got an invitation to my freezer! :grin:

Congratulations, Don. Good to hear of your success. I take it he quickly accepted your generous invitation.
Dr. Mike,
Yes he did, he practically jumped right in the freezer :mrgreen: Good to hear from you. I trust all is well with you and the family. I will be taking my daughter out Friday to hopefully get her a buck since I drew first blood with the Whelen. She is salivating since she saw my deer. :wink:

Happy Thanksgiving,
I pray for great success for your daughter, Don. Have a blessed day of Thanksgiving enjoying the freedoms with which God has blessed the nation.