Texas Panhandle Pronghorns

Bob in TX

Dec 3, 2004
Five of us just got back from Dalhart, Texas with five pronghorns. This is the 3rd pronghorn hunt I have done with Jeremy Gugelmeyer and Sagebrush Hunts.

I took mine with my 7mm-08 and a 120 gr. TTSX at 325 yards. He scored 82 1/8". The longest shot the five of us made was 450 yards. When you look at the photos of the country, you will see why.

My speed goat.



We were hunting on Jeremy's Buffalo Springs Ranch and several surrounding ranches. We had access to 22,000 acres. Texas10x and amigo will tell you that they feel like they walked all of it!

The ranch was once part of the famous XIT ranch, which at one time was the largest fenced ranch in the world at 3,000,000 acres. Jeremy and Sara's ranch is 9,000 and has the original XIT headquarters on their ranch just down from their house.

This is the old XIT headquarters.


Not too shabby Bob. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations on a nice speed goat.

Good looking goat, Bob. I remember the area well, having pipelined out of Pampa for a couple of years. Great country, that's for sure.
Very nice buck and beautiful area.

Is that a Savage Classic? Cool cartridge either way.

Tx panhandle PH has that touch of cool that comes w/ a beautiful animal in an out of the way spot. I like it.

Thanks for sharing!
Thanks y'all! We had a really great time on this hunt.

efw-Good eye! Yep, it is a Model 14 American Classic.

Good to see you are still out there in Texas and "punchin' a tag" once in a while. The venerable 7mm-08 accounts for yet another pretty goat. Are you running out of room for another great looking mount? Very Nice! CL
:mrgreen: cloverleaf-I do love that little '08! Since this was such a nice goat, I am getting him mounted. I am going to have to do a table top pedestal and buy another little table for it.

Bob...if you do another pig special the kids and I are in.
Fotis-We are doing the same hunt again in December the first weekend of Christmas break. It filled up right away, but...........I got a PM from TXMike who you hunted with last year that he may have to pull out. I will know shortly. I will e-mail you. I am pretty sure we will be able to get y'all on board. I would love to have y'all back down our way again!!

That is my favorite hunt of the year!! Here is the link to the hunt info:
http://texaspredatorposse.ipbhost.com/i ... opic=22049


For the rest of you-Fotis and the real hunters in the family!!

Aw man my 6 yo has been telling me that he REALLY wants to get down to Texas to shoot a hog w/ his .223! That looks like a great way to git 'er done!

I'm looking forward to seeing pics of your mounted trophy Bob. That really is a gorgeous goat.