Thank goodness I had acetone!!!


Dec 2, 2010
I just bedded my Ruger M77 and had way to much bedding compound in the stock. It got up in the front action screw hole. I could not get the screw in all the way but after a pile of Q-tips and acetone, I was able to clean it out. I think I got everything else correct. I have a lot of release on the metal and put bedding on the tang and under the trigger guard. Now the hard part, wait and pray it all comes apart.
I wouldn't wait for a full set I would pull it and clean up the metal put fresh release agent on everything and put it back in the stock to be safe.
Well I pulled it apart and cleaned up the metal and put more release on it. The bedding was at a point where you could push on it but it was getting hard. The barrel/action almost didn't pop out. If I would have not done that, it would have never came out. I hope cleaning it and rewaxing did the job and it comes out smooth. It is going to be a sleepless night.
The only other thing you can do is trim the excess bedding material that is showing above the wood with square pointed kitchen knife that you heat with a torch just enough to melt the material and not burn the wood. I've read this in another forum where I have been researching bedding methods. Also don't tighten the action screws overly tight, just snug them down. Just suggestions from what I've read.
Well, the barrel/action came out and it is not as bad as I was expecting. Does it look great, no but the recoil lug and tang are bedded nice. Where it looks bad is on the sides of the action and in front of the recoil lug. I will clean things up and take a picture later for all to see. From there, I can leave it or skim it to make it look good. Once it is put together, you will not know how bad it looks.
Glad to here it came out alright. Just remember what you can't see won't hurt anything. If it shoots good now that it's been bedded don't fix what isn't broken.
Good deal WT. The "look" can be improved but it's unlikely it'll shoot better but it is nice to know it looks decent.