Thanksgiving coyote


Nov 17, 2005
Went out to jmad_81's farm with him this morning and went looking for coyotes.

I had my 25-06 w/100g nbt's with me at the time. We saw 4 and got shots at 3 of them, but we didn't connect on a single one!

After the hunt, we stopped by the range to do a bit of shooting. We were both testing out loads in our new 243's.

I had just finished sighting in my stevens 243 w/55g nbt's after the last episode monday.

Jake left about 15 minutes before I did. On my way to his house from the range, I spotted a coyote standing bout 100 yards off the road. Like I said, just finished sightin in my 243 w/55g nbt's. I stopped the truck and he was still standing there. When I stepped out of the truck he took off on a quartering trot, I led him just a tad and touched off. He was definately down after the 1 shot. No more 3-4 100g core lokts in em.

55g nbt's definately do the trick!! This is the entrance hole I mind you...


Impressive! Don't show that to the coyote gods. :lol:

JD- Yah I hear ya on that one, lol. Got 2 words for them...IT WORKS!

Nomo- No tracking or running after them when using NBT's. It was a classic example of your "bang flop".

His insides were lacerated from the shock of that little 55. Pretty crazy how destructive that little sucker is...
If I'm understnading things right from the picture there wasn't an exit? WOW...never seen anyting that blew up that much on the entry side!!

You need to find something better than Bud light for a celebratory beer :lol: Nice shooting, Wish I could find more yotes here that would stand or trot away from a vehicle when I spot them from the road.
Yah there was no exit, bullet totally blew up and left about a 6-8" hole I"m guessing. Pretty much gutted him...I've had a couple bad experiences with these bullets blowing up on shoulders in the past and the coyote ends up running off on 3 legs. Nothing worse then smacking a dog right in the shoulder, watching him drop, then get up and start hauling the mail at 300 yards or whatever. They can still run really fast on 3 legs. Depending on how these 55's do this year on coyotes, meaning runners, I will make the switch to the 70g nbt and that will solve the splashing problems. The 55's I'm shooting right now are only moving 3750fps with H380. I have a load with W760 that moves them out at 3950fps!! Couldn't imagine what another 200fps would've done.

And for the record, you wont ever see me drinking bud light, lol, thats keystone light, and its not even my beer, its my dads, he was taking the pic. I drink coors light or coors original only, and a little whiskey every now and again :grin:
WOW- that is smoking with the 55's! I am getting 3940 average muzzle with the 50 grain Bergers and IMR 4895. You have a better BC with the 243, so it should help down range as well.

Going to take my nephew out tomorrow and see how we can do on some calling. He has never done any yote hunting and wants to see what it is all about. We have plenty of them right in the metro area of Minneapolis, but folks get real nervous when they hear big bangs in their back yards :shock: Gotta drive about 2 hours to get to an area where I know some farmers that will let us hunt on their land.

I have had 3 runners with the 50 gr BT out of my 22-250, all shots were on the point of the shoulder. Now I am shooting the 55 gr BT, so far so good.

In the 243 Win, I never shot the 55 gr but I shot the 70 gr BT a lot.
You need to try IMR 4895, 39.0-39.5 grs with a 70 gr bullet shot well under MOA in several different rifles.

Wow, great shot on that yote! That is a scary hole in him. Those little 55's are rocking! Wow. Scotty
Looking at that coyote reminds me of my old 300 Wby with 150 BT's at 3500 fps. I shot a couple cougars at 400 yards in the head and there was no head left! Then I got a 75 yard shot at a little buck and that coyote hole looks just like the buck hole! I'm thinking I overdid the velocity just a tad for the buck, but it was great on the cats!