That didn't take long

Fotis and I have managed and cultured this forum from the early days. No one has to drink the Kool aid or follow the leader. Here you can talk about other manufacturers bullets. It's fine to disagree with another forum member. All we expect is that everyone treats everyone with respect and dignity. Pretty simple.
The members here, both men and women, are friendly and very eager to help one another. There are also several enablers that will help you spend your money on guns and optics.
Pull up a seat and join in. We are glad you are here.

Well said, Jim. I agree.
Enablers! Were did you get that idea, Jim? Why, other than Scotty, or yourself, or Gil, or... Okay, 'nuff said.😇
"Enablers" indeed! However, I will say that, after the fact, I have never regretted a purchase (and there have been several) that I was "talked into" by the enablers here.
Very well stated, Jim.

I often have political opinions that go against the majority here. I’d like to see the country disbanded into three or four separate countries and 90% of the unconstitutional federal government abolished.

Barring that I’d like to see federal lands given, or taken, back by the respective states as the federal government doesn’t have the Constitutional authority to own as much land as they do.

Yes, I’m a radical but so were our founders.

Very well stated, Jim.

I often have political opinions that go against the majority here. I’d like to see the country disbanded into three or four separate countries and 90% of the unconstitutional federal government abolished.

Barring that I’d like to see federal lands given, or taken, back by the respective states as the federal government doesn’t have the Constitutional authority to own as much land as they do.

Yes, I’m a radical but so were our founders.

I think of you as more of a rebel 😉

It,s a shame that free speech isn't permitted here.
Frankly speaking, I don't think it's allowed anywhere. Years ago, there was a TV play of 1984. One thing they kept saying was, "Big Brother is watching you." You usually saw it as a poster onthe wall with a picture that looked an awful lot like Ronald Reagan did whn he was a lot older. The picture on the poster had the eye set up so that no matter where you stood in that room of place they were always looking at you. On closeups of the poster you could see the effect for yourself.
Seems to me Big brother is monitoring just about everything we do these days. Supposedly your TV is watching you and probably recording everything you watch. They can track you via your cell phone. There's no GPS in my truck that I can use to find my way to where ever I want to go but they can sure as hell can track my truck where bloody ever I go. They say you're really paranoid unless they're really after you.

Inyeresting song bu Buffalo Springfield call "For What It's Worth." One verse goes like this:
"Paranoia strikes deep. Into your life it will creep. Starts out when you're always afraid, Step out of line, the man comes and takes you away." A lot of people stepped out of line I guess in January 6th, many still in prison without trial.

When Obama won election the first time, a very good friend who now lives with the angels said, "I fear the communists have finally won."

Many times I have posted, "I don't dare say what I'm thinking more as an off the wall joke but lately it'm thinking there is good reason to not say what you're thinking. Big brother may not like in. Don't mind me, I'm in a bit of a funky frame of mind this morning.
Paul B.