The Boy is Becoming a Man


Nov 8, 2006
Noah was over to do some loading this afternoon. Before he could get started, he had to remove several rifles from the safe and see "if they fit him." He's asking if he can use either a Model 94 chambered in .307 or a BLR chambered in .358 this year. I've told him that if he loads up some ammo for them (fifty rounds minimum), can hit a paper plate from field position at least three times, he can use either of them for hunting.

He's pretty stoked. Now, to get him to the range. His fifteenth birthday is Wednesday. He's requested that his Pa make ribs for dinner. Reckon I'll be busy most of Wednesday as three racks of ribs are coming over (honey/garlic, Cajun and southwestern). Should be interesting.

Moose opens next Monday, and I'm setting with my wife. Can't these surgeons get their act together? Who schedules surgeries on opening day for moose? We'll see if we can't find our way out to the mountains in the evening, however. Like I say, things look pretty busy for the coming week.
Sounds like a good plan for Noah.

My prayers are with you on a fast recovery from surgery.
Dr Mike, I also will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery and a successful moose hunt.

Best of luck to Noah, another young hunter enjoys the sport, thanks to you Dr Mike
I'm not having surgery--my wife is having surgery! She needs me to be with her during those first hours. Hopefully, I'll avoid surgery for some time. I have argued in the past that it is not possible for me to even consider medical procedures between the months of August and November or between the months of April and June. Noah is a typical teenage boy, but he is getting into hunting. Next is likely Sara.
They grow up fast , we all know that Noah is learning from one very astute teacher!
I have no doubt that the pie plate will indeed have 3 holes in it when he is finished.
Saw Noah this past Sunday at service :wink: he is a very good Lad & I am sure he is going to do his Pa proud :).
PS. The good Reverend DrMike preached a excellent message (y).
Thank to both you & Linda for the great visit :mrgreen:.

Sorry I misunderstood about the surgery so I'll change my prayers and give them to your spouse and may God bless her with success and a speedy recovery.
Range day yesterday. I was working with several rifles in preparation for a grizzly hunt that is scheduled this fall. My grandson, Noah, and SIL, John, came out in the afternoon. Noah has wanted to see if he can handle several of my rifles. Well, he did quite well, shooting the 8X68S and the 350 Rem Magnum, among others. He really enjoyed the 270 WSM (no surprise). However, he fell in love with one of my .307 Wins.

I've told him that when he can consistently tag a paper plate at 100 yards, he can carry the gun afield. At this rate, I may lose another rifle.

Then, he just had to try the .358 Norma Magnum. I have some extra cartridges made up with 250 grain A-Frames. He handled the rifle quite well.

His comment? "Hey, that's not bad, Pa." No! He can't have that rifle--just yet.
I'm bummed "liberal" twin daughter has a 13 yr old boy ( my only grandson) who keeps him "away" from guns & shooting! He doesn't know anything about guns...and I won't tell him later if he doesn't ask either...Identical half conservative, one half liberal...what can a man do? :(
DrMike it looks like Noah is going to be a great hunting partner :wink:. That Winchester looks right at home on his shoulder :mrgreen:.

Aw, but Dr Mike, those are the rifles you don't really hate to lose. :grin: Besides, you haven't really lost them, just passed on something of value.
Yeah, I proud of the way in which he handles himself. He can almost best his old grandpa--at least enough to give me pause about riding him too hard. He's getting muscular and lithe. When he puts his mind to it, he is a fair shot, as well. I'm sure he'll get something out of my safe to remember me by.
DrMike":3ibhuas1 said:
Yeah, I proud of the way in which he handles himself. He can almost best his old grandpa--at least enough to give me pause about riding him too hard. He's getting muscular and lithe. When he puts his mind to it, he is a fair shot, as well. I'm sure he'll get something out of my safe to remember me by.
He does have this strange problem of mounting the rifle from the wrong side as the cheek piece on the 03 action shows. :lol: I would think you would be teaching him the right way to shoot from the right side of the rifle stock. :roll: :lol: :mrgreen:
He does have this strange problem of mounting the rifle from the wrong side as the cheek piece on the 03 action shows. :lol: I would think you would be teaching him the right way to shoot from the right side of the rifle stock. :roll: :lol: :mrgreen:

Have you been letting Dan influence him? :lol:
April, he is courteous and learning how to be even tempered. His dad left the family about seven years ago. Fortunately, his stepfather is a fine gentleman and I have had quite a bit of input into his character during the past four years. I take my responsibility to these grandchildren rather seriously.

Dewey, I have to confess that I'm the one that caught the left-eye dominance when we were first working with his form at the shooting bench. Worse yet, his little sister, Sara, is another left-eye dominant shooter (as is my wife, Noah's mom and his older sister). :roll: