The eve of the season WHAT & WHERE

Greg Nolan

Nov 25, 2004
The hunting seasons have already opened and trophys taken in some parts. For most of us it's getting real close. So again this year the question is: What and where will you be hunting?
For me California was a bust (again) just over the counter deer. Wyoming was a bust for buck antelope but we drew over the counter buck deer in a pretty good public land area so JDMAG, Jonathan and family and friends will head for Wyoming this October. I did a pig hunt in January. Good hunt, crummy weather.
So tell us your stories of Woe and Triumph so we can all share the many hunts :( :grin:
Good Hunting
Will do! Hopefully I'll have some success to report.

Five day black bear hunt with my son here in Washington in about a week...

Five day fly fishing trip to Alaska for silver salmon with my dad in about two weeks.

(September is going to be a GREAT month!) :grin:

Mule deer here in mid/late October, with my son and a friend who is new to hunting.

November could find me after elk here in Washington, or possibly after whitetail if I strike out on mule deer. Which happens sometimes.

That's all that I've got planned for now, but an Idaho deer tag is tempting too...

Good Luck to Everyone and more than anything, BE SAFE !

It's funny this thread came up - I have an archery black bear tag starting soon. I actually started getting things out tonight, thinking I was going to get to go on Sunday. Good thing I looked at the dates on the tag :oops: Season doesn't open till next Wednesday........ :oops:
That was going to be used as more of a warm up for Elk season in Oct & Nov.

I have a third season Bull tag. Also tagging along for support on a second season cow tag and fourth season cow tag of friends that have never taken an elk.

I've already stated the only way I'm going is if both are shooting Nosler Custom Ammo :grin: as neither hand load.
I just got back from a quick scouting trip up to our area we drew in nevada. We didnt see many deer but we were more focused on getting the lay of the land. Ran into some archery guys and they were really helpful and gave us some pointers since we were green to the zone.

We saw one dandy antelope and tons of chukar so hopefully we will have chukar in camp while we are there definately bringing the 870 that opens the 5th of october

Then we will have some good success I am sure with our local california hunts but we always do

Next year will be more exciting as I will have more time to take off work hopefully an antelope hunt if I get it in nevada if not we may go so the otc thing in wyoming or I am also applying for montana since Idaho refuses to change their ways

Good luck every body
Does getting excited for Goose Season count? Our nuisance season starts Sep 1st and I have a couple of hot fields. I have a 10 gauge that hasnt killed anything yet all patterned up and ready to go. Now if Nosler would just make some AccuBond BB shot, I would be all set!
I'll be muzzleloader hunting for a buck and cow in 2 weeks, then back just in time to move from two apartments into one house AND have a wedding two weeks before rifle season starts in November. We do have the house and the chapel lined up so far, so at least that's out of the way! Hope to get our muzzleloaders sighted in and ready to go this weekend, while there is still a small commodity of time.
Yote, Congrats and good for you.
Got a two day Muflon hunt in two weeks. Going to try to slide a private Axis deer hunt in there somewere before or after Muflon. Axis season just ended and my buddy got a really nice Axis (29") and I shot a small buck. Good luck and shoot straight everybody.
I head to the mountains on Monday or Tuesday for three weeks. Moose and black bear is now open, and I've been out once. Elk opens on September 1st, as does whitetail and mule deer with a bow. I'll take my 22 with me as ruffed grouse and sharptail grouse are open on September 1st. Wolf is open, and there is a good population this year. I saw a few pictures of a good grizzly in the area I'm hunting. I have a rifle to finish load development on tomorrow, conduct a worship service on Sunday, back to the range on Sunday afternoon, and hook up a trailer on Monday.
Mike -
You're a busy man Sir.
The best of luck to you - Some Grouse sounds really good right now :wink:

Be Safe !
I definitely plan on having grouse and/or snowshoe rabbit a few evenings. Perhaps God will smile on me and I'll put in a good supply of ruffed grouse this fall. a good supply of these delectable birds can certainly make for a great meal on a cold winter evening.

I plan to harvest the meat from any grizzly I take. It is astounding to realize the number of people who ask if they can eat it. Bear that have been grazing, as most will be doing now, can taste quite good.
I will make my annual trip to East NC for 3 weeks in Oct. and Nov. to deer hunt. Looking forward to taking a few deer with my new barrel on my T/C Contender pistol a 14" 30-30AI.
Best of luck on your extended hunt. Sounds like you have it all right there.
Enjoy :grin:
It also sounds like a lot of good hunts comming up, both local and traveling to where the big ones are. Old gear, new gear, borrowed gear and guns, and of course a fishing rod.
What a great time of year :wink:
Surfing in Nags Heads right now but when i get back to VA the geese and doves better hide :twisted:
I'm still in morning for not pulling an Elk Managment tag....

But I pulled a buck tag for ND... 8)

Well, I guess I got a head start on you guys. My dad and I just got back from another great antelope hunt in New Mexico.

We hunt with an outfit that borders the Whittington Center in Raton, New Mexico. This guy owns more property than the NRA and has he got plenty of game (deer, antelope, elk, turkey, black bear)

Great place to hunt, we have been going there for a number of years.

It was hot this year, temperatures of 90 degrees at 7000 feet elevation. And plenty of wind to go with it. But there were plenty of bucks on the property. We faced lots of failed stalks this year, they were REALLY spooky for some reason.

However, Dad and I both got really good antelope. We both used Barnes Tipped TSX bullets and both bucks just dropped in their tracks. Both were right around 300 yards.

Dad's buck was all alone, really intent on feeding the first evening. The stalk was pretty easy and at the shot the buck just crumpled. I was watching from afar with a spotting scope and could see the buck go down before I heard the shot.

My buck was with at least 25 does and was hard to get up on. We waited for the bunch to feed over a ridge then made the approach. When the guide and I snuck over the top the does got real nervous, then started to run. Fortunately, the buck did not see us and was looking around to see what was going on. I shot him right on the point of the shoulder and he went down, never even kicked.

All wound up for deer season here in CA in about three weeks.
Congrats on your hunt R Flowers. I spent alittle over a week at the Whittington Center back in 92. It was with the Virginia shooting team for the Hunter Ed Championship. That place was so cool that you had so many ranges,skeet, and trap fields to shoot on. Got to see alot of antelope and some black bear. But the number of rattlesnakes that we ran into and killed :shock: They were great on the grill!
Well we leave on Sept. 18th for Elk will be back around the 30th. Then Oct 1st we have a week for draw Moose and than we have Muley smoke stick until end of Oct. :grin: if we are not finished with our Muley then we have first week of Nov for Muley rifle. The the middle of Nov is Whitetail.
Hopefully in Dec we will be hunting ringnecks a few times as well.
To all my hunting buddies shoot straight and have fun be safe and may God bless you all.
God thank you for this time of year.


Fall is God's reward for enduring the summer :) It hit 100 here again today. Whew!!
Good Hunting
Well Greg I'm glad YOU finally got some of the heat! its in the 80's and 70's here for a change.Like you said Me and Tater will be with you for doe Antelope and Buck Mule deer in a few weeks. We just acquired a new deer lease here in Tennessee, and Yesterday I ordered a new Bow for Taylor, so when it gets here he and I will be trying that out until muzzle loader comes in. he wanted a "good" 70 lb bow in case we ever make it out west for Elk with a bow. other than a few white tail out here and maybe in eastern KY we may get in some small game and Bob whites this year.