Well, folks, I just got back from a very gratifying Mule deer hunt. I hunted hard for three days in the worst wind conditions in years. Game was not moving a lot, and the wind was so strong it kept trying to blow my hunting hat off my head.
Saw a few deer each day, but not much that was shootable, since we have a 4-point [on one side] minimum in this area. At about 1:00 P.M. on the third day, I spotted three deer way down in a little alfalfa field that was somewhat sheltered. They were probably a mile away. A quick look with binocs showed them all wearing antlers, and one looked good. :grin: I headed over carefully, and managed to get within 300 yards of them. Even without glass, I could now tell that the one buck was a dandy. [All in the group were legal bucks BTW] I watched through my scope until the big guy finally turned a bit so he was quartering away slightly. Using as a rest an old piece of farm equipment, I launched a 130 Partition from my 270, holding about 4" into the brisk wind coming from 3 O'Clock. At the shot, the big fellow just humped right up and started walking very slowly backwards. I thought I might have to give him another one, but as he turned slightly, he collapsed in a heap. I was quite pleased as I approached him, since he is a very respectable buck. I'll post a photo, so you can see. He has good mass and decent dimensions all round, definitely a keeper. My trust in those Partitions just cannot be shaken, they have been so dependable for 4 decades!! Regards, Eagleye.